FIN: Finale

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What do you think would happen if you lost them?

April was so fucking dead. You were going to carve her up like a turkey on Thanksgiving. No one touches your boys, no one. You felt anger swirl through your veins, you clenched your hands into fists as Peter told The Lost Boys what had happened.

You were walking around through out the shadows waiting to pounce like a freaking puma. This bitch wasn't getting away, even better she wasn't dying. You had planned the rest of her life.

She walked through the thicket of the forest, she had a smile as she walked to the boys. She noticed the tension and saw the boys and Peter glaring at her.

"Is there a problem?" She snapped, you jumped out behind her.

"I don't know, is there?"

She jumped around, "oh, Y/N, you scared me."

"I scared you? Oh honey, you haven't seen scary." Your glare hardened.

"What's wrong?"

"You think you can kill three of my boys without me knowing it was you?" You spat out in rage, she went pale and opened her mouth to say something when you cut her off, "don't lie to me."

"I did not do anything to your boys!"

You let out a dark chuckle and used your magic to tie the vines around her legs, she let out a gasp, "I can't move!" She screeched.

You shrugged, "tell me the truth, did you kill my boys?"

"No." There was hesitation, she didn't look at you in the eyes.

You tightened the vines and she screamed like a pig, of course she would, they're cutting off her circulation.

"It's hurting me!"

You mocked a pout, "is it?" you said in a baby voice and tightened them even more.

"Okay I did!" You didn't loosen them, she continued, "what are you gonna do? Kill me? You're too much of a coward to do crap."

"That's the thing, these vines are nothing compared to what you're going to go through."

She paled, "what're you gonna do?"

You clicked your tongue, "I'm not gonna kill you sweetheart, that'd be letting you off easy."

You continued, "remember your first night here?"

Her eyes went wide, "no, no, no! You can't do that to me."

"Actually I can, I'm the queen remember?" You flashed her into the cage, she shook the bars and yelled some more.

You looked at the boys, "would you guys do the honor of putting her somewhere?" They nodded eagerly and took her away, but not before you put a muting spell on her. Muting her voice for the rest of her life, which would be forever because after all, she's in Neverland.


AHHHH that was so bad, I'm sorryyyy *gives out free cookies*

I kinda lost inspiration, I was originally going to kill April off but I may still be a little bit salty with the actual human person and thought "hey why not get revenge in a more extreme way?"

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