Friends In Neverland Part Three

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You woke up from your terrifying sleep, you had another nightmare. A few weeks before you left your old home, you had a bad accident. That accident was the day you almost lost your life, you and your family flew off one of the small bridges in your town and fell off the side. You helplessly watched your brother die in the backseat while your parents struggled to save you and him.

You were the only survivor of the accident. Which is why you asked Peter to take you away. You didn't like just staring at the old family portraits, walking by their empty bedrooms. You called Peter and he took you away. Best decision ever. Sadly, Peter was unable to take away your trama, some nights you feel like you're dying all over again, and the other nights you feel fine.

You looked at Peter, his shirt was off. He must've taken it off during the night because he can't sleep with a shirt, he felt too constricted. You weren't complaining. You turned in bed and looked at the doorway of the bedroom, you saw a shadow and it wasn't Peter's shadow either. You grabbed the knife from under your pillow and shined it in the moonlight.

"Hey it's just me." April said.

You let out a sigh and whispered, "I'm assuming you want to talk about something?"

"Yeah." She whispered.

"Alright, let's go." You got out of bed and led her to the kitchen, you shut the door to the bedroom and lit the lanterns in the kitchen.

"Take a seat." You pointed to the table you and Peter never used. You honestly had no idea why you had it.

She sat down and you asked, "would you like some herbal tea?"

"Yes please." Her voice was timid, either she didn't want to anger you or didn't want to wake Peter, probably both.

"Would you also like some ice for that eye?"


You made your guys's tea and sat down next to her at the table, you looked at her and said, "what the hell is rumbling around in your head?"

"It's amazing that you can see right through me now."

"It's a skill you learn to develop hanging around boys who never were able to communicate emotionally." You felt guilty for your choice of wording. But it was the sad truth, Peter knew it, the boys knew it, hell April knew it.

"May I ask, what's with that whole Lost Boy thing?"

You took a sip of your tea and looked at her, "they were neglected, never feeling love from anyone. Here they actually feel something. The boys are brothers, Pan is..somewhat seen as a father figure, and me I'm seen-"

"As the mother figure, what do you think would happen if you lost them?" She asked.

"I don't know," you sipped your tea awkwardly and shrugged, it wasn't something you liked to think about.

"Y/N, I'm going to ask you something and I need you to be completely honest."


"Do you truly love him?" She looked at you, obviously nervous.

You took a deep breath and said, "April, I truly love him, he treats me better than anyone I've ever been with and he makes me so happy." You ended it with a smile.

"Wow. How long have you two been together?"

"I've been with him for four years. Married to him for two and it's the best decision I've ever made."

"Huh, I just didn't expect that from you."

"What?" You clenched the sides of your mug, you were tired and being criticized. Also you were pissed because you wanted to go back to bed.

"You've changed a lot, you used to run from commitment and hide from problems. Now you're married and you take care of like what, thirty boys or so?"

"Pretty much. What did you wake me up for?"

"I wanted to know if you were happy." You looked into her eyes and saw she was serious.

"Well thanks for checking." You had both finished your tea and then she said,

"Sorry for waking you up, I just couldn't wait."

"It's fine but if you don't mind, I'm going to go to bed." You smiled at her.

"Okay," you walked her out and made sure she got to her tent.

You took care of the mugs and turned off the lanterns. You walked into the bedroom and climbed under the covers. Peter immediately wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to his body.


"Baby, wake up." You felt a tickle by your shoulders, you opened your eyes and was met with the forest green of Peter's eyes. But they looked like they held sadness.

"What? What's wrong?"

He let out a stuttered breath, "three boys were killed on watch."

Coldness swept through you, coating your veins in ice, "Where's April?" You gritted out.

What do you think would happen if you lost them?

"Off making food for the other boys, wh-" He stopped when he saw your look.

"Don't let them eat anything she makes." He nodded and got up to tell them. You got dressed and made the plan for her final day to be sweet, and full of revenge.


It sucks, I know and the final part will be short but eventful (hopefully). Until next time!

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