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Imagine you, Peter and The Lost Boys now live in storybrooke.

While living there The Boys start to age and you don't. Rumple does a little research on you and finds out you have two sides (these two sides cause you to be immortal). In order to get what Rumple wants from his father (which his misery) he pushes you into your alter ego. You and Pan are not together. Also note, I did make the non real version of Y/N a little bit terrifying and gruesome.

This is really weird just fyi.

The entire town was gone. As in you couldn't find a single soul, Ruby wasn't at Granny's, hell, no one was at Granny's. You considered super speeding through town but that would make you tired, you being tired meant you needed to feed. You refused to feed on humans so you resulted to animals. Which was absolutely disgusting. But it was what you did on Neverland so you had to do it here.

You walked to Mr. Gold's pawn shop. If anyone knew where the town was it would be him or Regina. You already checked her place, nothing, not even Henry.

You walked in and immediately felt a weird vibe. You walked to his desk and looked behind it as if looking for some kind of clue.

You went to your Plan B, "Gold!" You shouted.

"Ah Y/N L/N, I was wondering when you'd show up." You turned to see Gold in the doorway to his 'office'.

"Where is everyone?"

"You're assuming I know?"

"Please, you know everything in this town, I'll ask again, where is everyone?"

"True, okay everybody is waiting for you to find them. I made it easy, they're all in one place."

You glared at him and was about to say something when he said, "oh and I should let you know, the longer you take, the more of the chance that Pan's life will be on the line."

With that he flashed out.

You stood there for about two minutes thinking of where the hell he could've hidden Pan and everyone. Then it finally all clicked, you rushed out of the store and even used your enhanced abilities. Eventually you got to your location.

The Town Line.

You saw everyone standing there looking at you, they were frozen. You saw Pan's eyes light up when he saw you. You saw he was close to the line, which meant one wrong move and he'd lose all his memories.

You looked around and saw Gold standing by a tree, "I'm here, so what the hell do you want?"

"You're Pan's weakness, and I want to see him suffer." You were shocked that he said you were Pan's weakness, you didn't think he had one.

"Well no reason to be vague." You said sarcastically even though you were afraid of what he could do to you or Pan.

"Wow, even when you may die, you still have spunk."

"Have to keep people on their toes." You shrugged.

"Anyway you're going to give me what I want or I'll murder the entire town." Blunt much?

"How are you going to have me make Pan suffer?" You smirked thinking you had him beat or at least confused. You were wrong.

"I want you to switch into your alter ego." Your smirked dropped.

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