Control (Alternate Version)

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Imagine you had powers, the boys didn't know and neither did Peter. That is until a certain someone from your past shows up and you're forced to use them. In this the boys have never heard your voice.

To put it simply, you didn't talk, never had a reason. Pan tried getting you to talk and so did the boys. They would taunt you or be nice to you to see if you had any emotions at all. Their plan failed and you scared them all away with one simple glare. You did speak, of course, but you never had a reason to speak. Until one day.

You were doing patrol alone, like you have always preferred. You loved the boys, but sometimes you preferred to be alone, people needed space.

You saw smoke and got confused, "they never start a fire in the midday." You said to yourself, as you started walking towards the camp. Your stomach twisted into knots and you clutched the hilt of you machete. You had a feeling it was Hook, you were worried about what he'd do to them.

The thought of losing them to something terrified you to the point of rage.

You started to slow down the closer you got, you started looking through the bushes and into the camp and what you saw made your blood boil. It was your sister from your kingdom. You didn't have the guts back home to kill her but now you did, and you would. Your sister was a terrible human being. Always murdering the innocent and doing unspeakable things to your old kingdom.

You pushed through the wall of bushes, startling everyone, you looked to the trapped lost boys and Pan was even in there too.

"What the hell are you doing here?" You hissed at her. You dared a glance at the boys who looked at you with wide eyes, could you blame them? These were the very first words they heard of yours. You could've sworn Pan did a small smile.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up." Your sister, Mona spoke in a conniving tone.

"What are you doing here?" You hissed out again.

"Now, now dear sister, we were having a nice chat. They told me you don't speak? Is it because of what our people used to call you?"

You clenched your jaw and did a sigh to soothe your anger. You were going to deck her all the way to Hook's ship.

"Look at you, for once you aren't wearing a corset or leather pants and boots. You don't have a bunch of weapons displayed on your body. Well, you have one, but that won't do much compared to the weaponry from home." She quirked her head to the side. It's true, you no longer wore the assassins clothes she always had you in. You wore a green shirt matched with black jeans and black leather boots.

"That hellhole never was my home."

You sister feigned hurt, "oh my dear sister these boys have brainwashed you. That's all boys were ever capable of anyway."

"Don't. Don't you fucking dare talk about them like you know them." You heard a sizzling behind you. You spun around to see a pot burning.

She laughed, "looks like you're still learning." You easily waved your hand to put snuff out the flame.

"You made the sunlight so hot it caught that pot on fire." She observed, "huh, you're developing more power."

"You say that like it's a good thing." You deadpanned.

"It is," she met your eyes, "Y/N, you have a gift, you need to put this to good use."

"Like murdering people?" Your voice rose with the question.

"That's what you said, that's what you fucking said when you wanted me to be your assassin. And you know what I regret? Listening to you." Tears burned your vision. You swallowed.

"Not anymore, Mona, I won't be a slave to you. To anyone. My powers aren't a gift to anyone, they're a gift to me. I will use them for good. I should've never let you manipulate me!" You were livid with rage.

"We're going to have to this the hard way aren't we?"

"That's my favorite." At the same time you shot out your arm to use a purple beam of energy, she shot out hers for a blue beam of ice.

You used your emotions, your anger, sadness, motivation, something she wasn't smart enough to use. Emotion always won.

All she used is power, confidence. Sure, confidence helps, in the right ways. She's confident in people being afraid, that's wrong.

She got weaker, she was on her knees using the ice while you were on your feet. You put both your hands together to cup her power into yours. You were turning her ice into energy, to be used against her.

She gave up with a loud sigh and looked at you with exhausted eyes.

"Mona, if you give up now, I'll let you walk. You can go back and be better with your people."

She shook her hands, "what did you do to my powers? Why can't I use them?!" she shrieked while standing.

"I absorbed them, you're too unstable with them. It's not safe, for you or your people."

"No! I'm getting them back." She charged at you, you had no other choice but to take her down.

"I didn't want to do this you!" You yelled as you shot the energy and ice beam at her. She shot back and fell limp against the tree.

You took a deep breath of pain, it burned to keep that magic in but then to let it all out. it exhausted you.

You looked at Pan, he marveled at you, looked at you with respect. So did the boys, for the first time since you got to Neverland, you smiled genuinely.

The spell holding them to the trees dropped and the youngest, Markus ran over to you and hugged you. Once he let go he blurted, "that was awesome!"

"Thanks bud," his eyes lit up even more when you spoke.

"What're we going to do with that." Felix spoke, you sighed.

"Can the shadow drop her off at the Realm? With a note from me explaining everything and who I want to rule the kingdom in our absences."

"Yes ma'am." Pan said and laughed, "but first may I speak with you?"

"Yes you may." He led you away from the boys who were putting her in the cage in case she woke up.

He turned to you, his face all flustered, "I want to tell you something but first I want to know why you don't speak."

You sighed defeatedly, "when I was younger I got yelled at for having a voice, so I stopped. When Mona made me her assassin, people called me 'the silent slayer'. I hated it, I hated having a voice, I hated having to hide."

He put his hands on your shoulders, "you don't have to hide anymore, you can use it. In fact the boys and I would love to hear your voice more often."

"Really?" You smiled.

He smiled back, "Yeah, you saw the way Markus lit up when you said something."

You laughed and then asked "So, what did you want to-" You didn't finish because Pan grabbed your cheeks and pressed a fierce kiss to your mouth, your eyes fluttered close and you kissed back. You brought your hands to cup his elbows to steady yourself, he was taller than you by a lot.

You pulled away and you two leaned your foreheads against each other, "what was that for?" you smiled.

"Kicking her ass was hot." Was all he said, you laughed, he quickly added, "so was you swearing." You laughed again and he pressed a kiss to your forehead.

"I want you to be the Queen of Neverland, Will you be my queen?" He murmured while moving his head to look at you.

"Abso-fucking-lutley ." You smiled and then brought you in for a sweet kiss.

This was the start to a very happy story. 

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