The Elements: Fire

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You have the element of fire and Pan doesn't know. Requested by @Phire04 thank you for requesting!

Peter was a little shit, he had made the stupid decision to follow you out the in the woods while you had specifically asked for him to leave you alone.

You have the ability of Fire, it was a dangerous gift, but you were grateful for it. Yes, it was cool having this ability, but it was dangerous for those around you.

Magic builds up in the system after not being used for a certain amount of time and it was just your luck to be taken to a place surrounded by water and full of vegetation.

Which meant if you didn't let your powers loose, you could demolish the island if someone ticked you off in the slightest way.

It sucked to keep secrets from Pan, because you two had grown close.

But this secret didn't last for a long time.

He had followed you to a rocky part of the island, the one place where if you let loose in the wrong way, nothing bad would happen. You had taken off your jacket and set it on a nearby rock.

He was at first confused as to why you had gone to this secretive place but then he saw the embers igniting in your palm.

Your hair became brighter, orange hues flickered in your H/C locks. You splayed out your hands, letting flecks of fire hit the rocks but they quickly burnt out.

He attempted to get closer but his foot broke a stick.

You spun around and he took in your appearance, your eyes were no longer their normal color, they were a blazing auburn, he could see your inner fire igniting in fear.

Flames danced at your fingertips as you clenched your fists, he could've sworn he saw a flame prance across your knuckles.

"Pan, what are you doing?" You whispered.

"I'm sorry I just..." He stared at you in wonder, you were absolutely stunning.

"I get it, I didn't tell you but-"

"Wait I have a question," he said holding out his hands, "if you're mad can you puff smoke like a dragon?"

Now the fear in your eyes turned to a blazing annoyance. You chucked a fireball at him which he threw a beam of darkness, disintegrating it into ash.

"Dick." You spat out.

"You know when I said you had fire, I didn't mean it literally."

"Oh for fucks sake," you said running your hands through your hair.

"But not gonna lie, this is a fiery surprise."

"Your puns are as bad as your manners." You said grabbing your jacker.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, tilting his head like a curious puppy.

"Because I didn't want you using me as a weapon." You said bluntly crossing your arms.

He jumped back as if you slapped him, "what?"

"I know what happens to you when new abilities and power goes to that thick skull of yours. I didn't want to be a weapon."

"I would've never."

"You sure about that? You let an innocent captain die because you let your power get to your head! And now his brother has nearly killed us millions of times."

"He trespassed!"

"So what? You just proved to him that you were a self centered villain! It's what everybody thinks of you!"

"I don't care what they think of me!" He took a step back, "I care what you think, but apparently I'm a monster."

You rolled your eyes, "do not hit me with that 'I love you' bullshit."

"It's not bullshit, Y/N. It's real. You are the only person I'd go to war for, I would never let the sniveling pirate lay a hand on you, and now that I know you have this power, you get free reign to use it whenever you want. I won't control you." He said crossing his arms.

"You're serious?" You asked tentatively.

"Very," he said stepping towards you, "not something a monster would do eh?"

You looked down embarrassed, "sorry about that."

He tilted your chin up, "all is forgiven." He smiled gently.

"Good, cause I wasn't going to apologize again." You said jokingly.

"Now your pride is getting to you." He said laughing.

"Uh huh." You said, "you gonna kiss me or what Pan?"

He blushed, "I-I...uhh-"

You cut off his excessive stuttering with a kiss.

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