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Based off of season 5 episode 20, "Firebird"

You are the "leverage"

Backstory: After Peter died you got your life back on track, Henry's family accepted you into their family a while after the incident, you also found out that Regina was your mother, pretty weird but you guys became close. (A/N I know the mom thing is weird but it helped with the Storyline) 😂.

Previously, "go to Hades Zelena," -Regina.

"You told her what?" Emma nearly shouted.

"To give him a chance." Your mom, Regina cringed, the look of regret passed over her face.

"And you thought that was a good idea because?" Charming asked Regina.

"Because we're family." She finished, "and I'm trying to trust Zelena, she thinks she can change Hades."

"I'm sorry, love, I missed the part where Zelena changed." Hook hissed out.

"You'd think the ex-pirate with a rum habit would cut my sister some slack."

"Well, you'd think that the Evil Queen would be smarter than to send the Wicked Witch to romance the most devious man alive."

"Watch it," you hissed out, your eyes nearly burning holes in his head, well you imagined doing that but you weren't actually going to, unfortunately.

"Easy, guys. We're not gonna win the war against Hades if we use all our ammo on each other." Emma attempted to calm down Regina, You and Hook.

"The Savior has a point." The prickly bastard himself spoke.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Hook clenched his jaw.

"Get behind me, kid." Emma pushed Henry behind her and Regina pushed you behind her.

"Oh, I didn't find you to hurt you. I came for your," he paused and took a dramatic breath, "Wow, this is hard, Help." He finished.

"What could you possibly want our help with?" You asked, clenching your fists.

"Funny you asked that, it's simple. I went to meet Zelena for our date and found this." He held up a piece of parchment paper which Regina took.

"No," Regina handed it to Emma.

"Zelena, she's been kidnapped by Gold and Pan." Emma said, your stomach sank to your feet. No, no, no.

"If Peter and Gold are working together we're all screwed." You whispered, hugging your body.

"They're asking for a meeting tomorrow morning." Hades explained.

"Gold wants you to tear up the contract for his unborn child."

"So, do it." Regina and you said in unison.

"I just got my sister back, I'm not going to lose her now." Regina said taking on her fighting stance.

"Neither will I." You clenched your teeth, you really needed to learn to stop doing that.

"Pan doesn't do anything for anyone but himself, what does he get out of this?" Hook said.

Hades looked at you sadly, "it's you, Y/N."

"Absolutely not," Regina said stepping in front of you, Hook chimed in.

"No way in hell."

"Why?" You asked, you weren't terrified of Pan, Rumplestiltskin was just a dick, you didn't want to be here any longer.

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