If I Get My Way

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You're Pan's best friend but you've developed feelings for him. Also, Tiger Lily and Pan were a thing in this.

You made an awful, awful mistake.

You fell for Pan.

He was evil, he was devious, he was a little shit at times. But god dammit you fell hard.

You couldn't help it, he was the definition of a bad guy but he had a soft side, you've seen it. Sure, he wasn't a nice guy but you didn't want nice.

You wanted adventure, you wanted adrenaline and thrills. Yeah, your morals could be questionable at times and so were his, but you saw past all of it.

He made you laugh when you were really going through shit. He knew of your mental health and how you could fall into relapses. He was there for you through all of those.

You were Neverlands Queen.

Just not, his.

You were currently helping Felix hunt, you noticed him making eyes at one of the Lost Boys.

"Felix...." You sang nudging him with your shoulder.

"Y/n...." He mocked.

"You're making eyes at Freddie." You gave him a wink, "go for it."

He rolled his eyes, "it's not that easy, Y/N."

"Sure it is."

"If so, you tell Pan your feelings." He said that and it caused you to punch him in the shoulder.

"I can't believe I ever told you about that." You scoffed.

"C'mon, you guys would be unstoppable."

"Excuse me?"

"Hello? The two most evil beings in the world, getting together and being a power couple." He enunciated 'power couple' which had you rolling your eyes.

"You're the Evil Queen's daughter, Y/N." He said.

You gave him a look, "and because of that I'm inherently evil?"

"Don't act like you're offended." He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

You shrugged and made a 'meh' face, "fair enough."

The two of you continue your walk back to camp, you had the weird feelings you were being watched. You shrugged it off and continued.

You walked into camp only to be greeted by a worried Lost Boy, "Y/N!"

"What?" You asked.

"Pan's locked in his treehouse, he won't come down."

"Oi," you said, you handed Felix your bag of herbs that you guys picked. "I'm going up to talk to him."

Felix nodded, "good luck."

You climbed up the treehouse, you opened the door to find almost the whole room encased in darkness.
"Pan?" You asked tentatively creeping in.

"Go away Y/N." His voice was muffled.

"No." You walked closer to the chair where he was sat, you leaned against the table in front of him in the chair. You put your hand to his hair, "Peter, what's wrong?"

"Tiger Lily, her and I got in a fight and she said something."

You tried not to show jealousy, you weren't going to tear Tiger Lily down. You were a fellow woman just like her, and woman don't tear each other down. "What'd she say?" But if she was hurting Peter, you'd lose it on her for that reason alone.

"We got in a fight, she broke up with me. Then said because she didn't love me, no one else would."

"Well, that's the biggest piece of shit I ever heard."

He looked up at you with bloodshot eyes, "what do you mean?"

"Peter, you are incredible. What she said was completely out of line, also I'm sure she was just angry and said something she didn't mean." You said, brushing some of his hair back.

"You think I'm incredible?" He said, his eyes lighting up with hope.


"But I'm-"

"Evil? Yes you are. But you're evil for your reasons, whoever wants to change that about you, isn't worth your tears." You said, your heart slightly breaking.

"Thanks Y/N, I should probably get back to the boys. Thank you again." He got up to hug you gently, and then walked out the door, leaving you to your thoughts.

If I get my way, I'mma take care of you

I can take her place, let me get my way, ooh

If you let me try, just one night, I can prove

I can take her place, let me get my way, ooh

If I get my way, I'mma take care of you

I can take her place, let me get my way

If you let me try, just one night, I can prove

I can take her place, let me get my way. 

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