Face Mask

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"Y/N, this is fucking terrifying."
"But our skin will be flawless as fuck."

Okay, so you may have asked Peter if Shadow could pick up sheet masks from the real world for the two of you to try. He was getting upset and cranky because his skin was so dry. So you had Shadow pick up an extra hydrating one for him, and a regular pore clearing one for you.

But Peter was not amused.

"This is so bloody slimy," Peter said taking it out of the package, he started aggressively spreading it apart.
"Peter no!" You shrieked and you scared him enough to where he looked at you scared. "You'll rip it."

"For fucks sake Y/N, I thought I was about to get shot."

"For fucks sake Peter, I thought I was about to have to ask Shadow to get a new mask for you." You shot back, smiling at his confusion. 

He grumbled under his breath, "how do I do this?"

"These two holes your eyes go into, then the long hole for your nose, then the extra wide hole for the mouth."

"So many holes," he muttered.
"That's what he said." You muttered, measuring the mask up so you could put it on correctly.

"This is so slimy." He shuddered, "why am I doing this?" He muttered to himself

You had to try not to roll your eyes, "Peter, you want moisturized skin, stop bitching."

Once he finally managed to put it on he looked at you, and nearly lost it, as did you but the two of you managed to keep your smiles at bay, because you really didn't want to touch the slimy mask again.

"Y/N, this is fucking terrifying." he said finally.
"But our skin will be flawless as fuck." You said then looked at him, "you ready for the rest of spa night?"

"I was born ready."

You gave him a look.

"...ish." He said sheepishly looking down.

You laughed and took his hand to your guys' bedroom. There you guys had more spa day festivities, he won't admit it, but he loved it.

I figured I owed you guys another one shot today since the other was so short, and I just finished writing this as I have a face mask one, it's what inspired it. 

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