Imagine You and Belle talking to Zelena about Hades

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Imagine being married to Peter, Peter and Rumple working out their differences (kinda, they're getting there). Belle and you being semi close. Then one day having to help Zelena with Hades.


Your day was going fine. You had a day to yourself, The Lost Boys were in school, Peter was at the shop with Rumple, along with Bella. You wanted a nice peaceful day with Henry, him and you became close over the years. You always traveling between here and Neverland along with Peter. Peter decided to still be a little shit but he wasn't an asshole.

You and him moved to Storybrooke after some of The Lost Boys said they wanted to eat at Granny's more often and actually liked Storybrooke, so you and him decided to move the family to the real world. But you guys still stay young because of a spell you two worked out.

Henry and you were hanging out at Snow's, that's when it all went to hell.

You were playing video games with him while Hook and Emma cooked dinner, it was the closest to a white picket fence story this family was going to get. Your phone went off on the counter.

"Hey Emma could you get that for me? I'm about to kick Henry's butt."

"Got it," Emma picked up your phone and answered, you weren't expecting there to be a problem.


"Shit." You said and Henry paused the game. Both of you stood up and you looked at Emma with your classic "what the fuck" face.

She shrugged and handed the phone over to you, "she said she'll only talk to you."

You took the phone, "what?" You snapped, hey, she was a bitch.

"911, I need your help, bring Belle to my house, alone." She hung up and you groaned while angrily hitting the off button on your phone.

"Well?" Hook asked as you grabbed your coat off of the coat rack.

"She wants me to help her with something and bring Bella, and she said 911 so I'm assuming it's an emergency."

"And you're going?" Emma asked.

"I doubt if it wasn't an emergency she wouldn't have turned to me. Henry I'm sorry, I will hang out with you sometime soon." You promised, he smiled.

"Don't worry Y/N, you're right if Zelena is coming to you for help she really needs it." You smiled and walked out, on your way to Rumple's shop to find Belle.


You opened the shop door, causing it to ring. Your husband, Peter looked over from where he was standing with Rumple and Belle. He walked over with a smile and kissed your cheek.

"What're you doing here?" He inquired, you smiled nervously.

"I'm here for Belle." You looked at her nervously.

"What?" She asked, walking from behind the counter.

"Zelena, she wants us to help her...?" You didn't mask your irritation.

"Why?" Peter asked, he furrowed his eyebrows and held your waist tighter.

"I don't know, she called me and told me it's a 911, and she needed Belle and I."

"Well let's go." She grabbed her coat off the hook and joined you after you stepped away from Peter.

"Wait you actually are going?" Rumple asked.

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