The Elements: Water

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Premise: You have the elemental power of water, you've tried to keep it a secret from the boys and Pan, but every day you have to use your powers so they won't go haywire the moment you get angry.

Thank you @Phire04 for requesting!  

Your schedule ran like clockwork.

Every morning, you woke up and went for a walk. Then when you came back you joined the boys for breakfast, when they went off to work, you resumed organizing and helping the little ones with their basic chores. When everybody was back, dinner was made (with the help of everybody), then everyone danced around the fire.

When everyone was busy dancing and they were distracted, you'd always sneak away to use your powers.

You hated keeping secrets from the boys and Pan, but this one was for their best interest, and your safety. You didn't think they'd use it against you, but you've had people betray your innocence (trust wise) and turn your vulnerabilities against you *cough* The Dark One *cough*.

It sucked to keep things from Pan especailly, the two of you were growing close, and you trusted him. It was just you had this secret for so long and developed a routine, you hated change.

So like always, you crept off to Mermaid Cove (the mermaids promise to keep a secret). You made sure to wear your flats so you wouldn't be making a lot of noise and drawing attention to yourself.

Little did you know, a green eyed shit was following you.


Peter's POV(ish)

He didn't understand you.

Okay, he didn't understand women at all, but you were a brand new kind of mystery.

Everyday your schedule ran on time for everything, it wasn't mere coincidence, it was strategic.

He noticed that you always left when everyone was dancing, and you made him curious. He didn't understand what you could be doing at night, every single night.

So he assigned Felix to music duty while he followed you. He realized he could've sent Shadow and have Shadow repost back, but he wanted to see it for himself.

At first he thought you were seeing a lost boy, but then realized that why would you lower your standards to them? He was also angry because he had feelings for you that he himself hadn't really accepted it.

You were his closest friend, his second hand man. He didn't want to ruin your friendship because of a stupid crush.

He quickly realized that you were at mermaid cove, and they weren't hissing at you, trying to lure you in, or attacking you.

Is she seeing a mermaid? He thought, then shook the thought away, nothing was wrong with that, he just knows that water makes you squirm. You always avoid it, you never really swim with the boys or hunt fish with them. You also usually avoid the beach and mermaid in particular.

So why were you here?

His question was quickly answered when he saw your shoulder roll back and your hands raise up halfway.

And droplets of water follow your movements.

You twisted and turned the water into shapes for the younger mermaids playing by the rocks, they watched you with awe-struck expressions.

You put your arms by your waist and spread your fingers, them you took a step.

You were walking on water and making more shapes as you did it.

You threw a ball of water up in the air and froze it, you let it plunk into the water.

"You're getting stronger Y/N." A mermaid crooned, you snapped your head over at her, "it's unbelievable for a mortal." The mermaid continued twirling her blue hair with a scaly finger,

"You know I'm not a mortal Anahita." You said, twirling a waterball like a basketball on your pointer finger.

"What are you then?" She crooned again leaning forward.

"Cursed." You said quietly and let the ball plunk into the water, it disappeared into the shallows of the moonlit basin.

That's when Peter decided to step out.


"You are not cursed." Peter's voice rang out.

Which made you lose your concentration.

You plopped into the water quickly, the last thing you saw before you went under was Pan's frightened expression.

You popped out of the rippling waves in fury.

"What the bleeding hell Pan?!" You said walking up to the shore in your now sopping wet clothes.

Although the wet clothes didn't last long, your anger cause the water molecules in them to evaporate.

You crossed your arms and glared at him.

"Ooooh, a lovers quarrel." Anahita said letting a giggle slip out. You turned to her angrily and she shrugged under your glare.

You quirked your eyebrow and waved your hand, sending a wave to knock her off the rock she was perched on.

She let out a growl and called you a vulgar name as you turned to face Pan.

"Why the hell did you follow me?" You asked clenching your fists.

"Because you sneak away every night, I had a feeling that you were keeping something from me." He said crossing his arms, "which you were." He finished, glaring at you.

Your eyes widened, "you do not get to be mad at me for hiding something from you."

"But you did!"

"You never asked me about it you self absorbed asshat!"

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was supposed to ask you about any powers you might have had. Forgive me for not reading the rulebook on my own island!"



"The very last thing I owe the boy who stole me away, is my explanation for keeping this from you." You said crossing your arms.

"I wouldn't have been mad at you." He said stubbornly, "in fact your powers are not only stunning, but they make me feel a bit more normal."

"And that's supposed to help me because?" You asked quirking your eyebrow.

"It's just I'm the only person on the island that has powers, it's nice to know I'm not alone." He said kicking the sand at his feet. "Would you like to help me lose my asshat traits and in return I'll help you control your powers?"

You scoffed, "for the record, I'm perfectly capable with controlling my powers, but I would love to make you less of an asshat." You smiled, "but how about we just be people that are there for each other." You held out your hand, "deal?"

He smiled and shook your hand, "deal." 

Ayeeee what'd y'all think? I personally loved this one. Please tell me what you guys think!

Also @Robbie-and-Peter have a question for all of you, what do we call this family?

Leave a suggestion in this chapter and on my next chapter I will post a vote of the names and that way we can all weigh in on the ideas :) 

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