"I can't come back. I won't."

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You left Neverland with the Storybrooke crew, then you escaped Storybrooke when Pan got out of control.

You gave Emma your number to give you an update on everything once you left, she said she would if she remembered.

She did.

To say you were sick to your stomach would be an understatement but Pan was dead.

You hated that you were sad about his death, hell, you were so pissed you went to the punching bag at the gym, you dented it.

You sat in your apartment eating ice cream and watching FRIENDS on repeat for two weeks until your friends you had met in the mortal world had pulled you out.

They didn't know about Pan, they didn't know who you really were.

You were going to keep that to yourself for as long as you could.

You were currently in coffee shop with your friends taking advantage of free wifi when you saw a familiar mop of brown hair.

You knew he got out of the Underworld because Emma called you, you were scared but you ignored it.

He couldn't get to the mortal world, he wouldn't if he didn't have his magic.

You were wrong.

You looked up from your friends laptop, his green eyes pierced your E/C ones.

Your stomach flipped and you started shaking, your friends looked over at you concerned, "Y/N? You okay?" One asked.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, I forgot my grandma needs me to help clean her house I'll see you guys later." You didn't wait for a response as you grabbed your coat and bag and you headed into the chilly December air.

It was snowing, you would've thought it was beautiful but you had the Green Eyed Devil following you.


"Go away Pan," you threw over your shoulder as you headed into an ally

"Not until you talk to me." He grabbed your wrist and turned you around.

"I don't want to talk to you." You hissed out and yanked your wrist back.

He got the puppy dog look in his eyes, the one he knew would weaken you.

Too bad you've become a stone cold bitch when it comes to him.

"Y/N please, I'm sorry."

"You don't even know what you did."

"Yes I do, Emma told me when I was in Henry's body."

"God, you are un-fucking-believable. A simple sorry won't do shit. You hurt me Pan, but even worse you scared me." Your eyes welled up with tears, you didn't hold them back, he deserved to know.

To know how much he hurt you.

His eyes widened, "please come back Y/N, please."

"I can't come back Pan. I can't. I won't." You sucked in a breath and sniffed.

"Why not?"

"You're not the same," you shook your head and stepped forward, "you became obsessed with killing Henry. You asked me to help you lure a child into a trap so you could kill him."

You shook your head again, "I can't be with someone who is so damn selfish that you would kill an eleven year old boy."

His face fell, "Y/N, I'm back to normal now, I'm back to myself."

"But I can never look past what I saw, Pan."

You bit back a sob, "I saw so much hate in you, I've never seen so much evil and I was in love with the most evil being in fairytales."

"Y/N I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry, words can't describe how much I love and miss you. You were all I thought about in the Underworld, why do you think I struck up that deal with Rumple?"

You sucked in another breath as he grabbed your hands, "Y/N I needed to see you, I know I wasn't myself and I'm so sorry this happened, if I could go back in time-"

"You wouldn't," you finished, "I know you Pan, I know for a fucking fact you wouldn't change, you know how I know that? You willingly led an eleven year old boy to his death. You did it so you could save yourself and no one else."

"What I did was for you! I wanted to be the best man for you Y/N."

"But that's the thing, you can never be a man because you're Peter Pan! You don't grow up, you're too much of a coward. I can't go back to Neverland, hell I can't even watch the fucking Disney movie without balling my eyes out!"

"Pan, in order to be a man, you have to grow up. I can never love the evil boy we both know you are, I'm done."

"Y/N... be careful with what you're about say."

"Or what? Are you going to kill me? Silence me the way you silenced Felix? You're alone now Pan, and it kills you. The longer you don't have Lost Boys or a Queen, you die and so does that god forsaken island!"

"I'd never hurt you love."

"Don't call me that! The boy I loved called me that and you," you took a breath, "you're a stranger."


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