Being The Most Powerful Dark One Part Two

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After two weeks of training the powers and you still haven't told Pan the message that Gold wanted you to deliver.

Sure, it wasn't that big of a message but it must've meant something.

You two were sitting in his treehouse and he sighed, "when you came here, you had a message to give me. Why haven't you given it to me?"

"I had to make sure you were Peter Pan, I had to make sure you weren't some poser Lost Boy." You explained pathetically, there was some part of you that wished he'd never ask and forget about it.

"What is it, love?" He had taken to calling you 'love', you were the only girl that he could talk to, cheesy but true.

"It's from Rumplestiltskin."

The glass he was holding dropped and he was silent, you winced, this didn't seem good. 

"I'm assuming it's something you'll understand?" You calmly stated from the window seat of the treehouse. You didn't see how it was something to care about, especially since it was one word.

"What is it?"

"Hi," you laughed, "sounds pretty useless to me but it's what got me out."

"Rumplestiltskin and I go back, why would he help you?" He turned to face you, he didn't look mad, but you never knew what was going on in his head.

"He wanted me to give that message in exchange, I left Storybrooke."

"Why did you want to leave?"

"To take the Darkness with me, there was a young boy that was in danger, I sacrificed myself for him."

"Why?" He sat down across from you, his green he's lit up from the moonlight.

"Because he was my friend and his moms are some of the most terrifying people. I wanted to make sure their family was safe." You said pathetically, it did sound mildly ridiculous, but you did not want the wrath of Regina Mills and Emma Swan, that was defiantly not on your bucket list. 

"That's not very Dark." He smirked and you wanted to smack it off.

"I don't feel Dark, I feel normal." You shrugged, you had no idea why you didn't feel like a mass murder, you were grateful, you were just expecting more terrible thoughts. 

"Unless you get angry or upset, then all hell breaks loose." He said like he was trying to figure out something, "where are your parents?"


"Any living family or friends?"

"Yeah, like I said unreachable, and the only friend I had there was Henry." You said quietly and hugged yourself.

He was quiet, then said, "you had nothing to lose."


"That's why The Darkness hasn't taken over you, you aren't trying to stop it, you don't have anyone trying to stop you or The Darkness. It's of it's own free will, it's calm." He stopped.

You leaned forward, "keep going."

"The Darkness has a defense mechanism, whoever someone or something threatens it, it makes the vessel it's in attack by taking over it's mind."

"That sounds like the most messed up description ever." You rolled your eyes, but you thought to yourself, it was true.

"But you're right, I don't have anyone." You whispered, the truth settled like a stone in your stomach.

He shook his head, "that's not true, you have the boys and I."

You shook your head, "the boys are terrified of me, they haven't come near me and if I try to talk to them, they run."

He smiled sheepishly, "that's my fault."

"Why is it your fault?' You shook your head in confusion.

"Because I have a rule on this island," He smirked like a devil.

"Which is?" 

"Don't touch what's mine." He gave you a wolfish grin.

Dark One or not, your cheeks flamed up, "since when was I yours," you whispered and grinned.

He leaned close to you, "you are my Lost Girl, my Queen."

"What does that make me to you?" You whispered and pulled back, you quirked your eyebrow as you saw him smile.

"Your king."


I SUCK, I know I left that off at the cliffhangerish but I thought this would be a good place to leave off.

I'm currently working on Monster Part Two but I felt more inspiration with this storyline. 

Also, I have original works coming out! It will be published in May, I would share the title but I wanna keep it to myself for a little while longer before I release my own characters into the world. 

Also when I have the new book, this book will still have my attention, I won't be abandoning this baby for a while :)

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