How It All Began...

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You were lost. (Ignore the accidental pun)

You were just out in the woods walking around, trying to get away from the ridiculous noise and idiotic boys.

You managed to end up on the other side of the island with no way back .


You had come to the island during one of your worst depression spells, The Shadow had saved you from nearly ending your own life.

You still felt alone on this island, there were no girls to talk to, no one from your time period for that matter.

You were the first Lost Kid in fifty years.

They boys have dealt with each other for more than fifty years, you couldn't even deal with them for more than fifty minutes.

It didn't matter why you came here, you were here and you preferred it on Neverland. No mean girls calling you names, boys saying mean things, no getting picked on for your face or weight.

The boys didn't care if you were a girl, they thought you were the best thing ever, which confused you to know end.

April was a bitch to you all the time, to her, you were never good enough, she kept trying to fix the unfixable.

You were unfixable because nothing was wrong with you.

You were weird, you were tough, you were a straight up badass and you didn't give a flying fuck.

But you were still hurt because of the fact that it had been one of your friends talking bad about you. To your face.

Your other friends hated her and you knew why.

But you didn't know what to do because you were probably considered dead or missing in your hometown.

But you didn't care.

Fuck her.

You loved the island, it managed to make you happy all the time, the last time you were that happy, you were in elementary school.

The boys lived for your stories at home, they loved hearing what types of food you ate at home. What your family and friends were liked, they loved hearing about you in general.

Pan loved to hear about you as well, which shocked you and the boys. According to the boys, he wasn't much of a talker unless he was ordering people around.

But he warmed up to you.

Felix quickly took a liking to you because you both had the same dark and dry sense of humor. He told you that you were the only person to make Pan blush or be awkward.

You decided to test this statement out.

You had been talking to him and you threw in a wink. He started stuttering and blushing, his pale cheeks heated with a sweet tart pink. You weren't going to lie, you loved seeing him flustered.

You then tried another trick, biting your lip in the Fifty Shades Of Grey way (don't you come at me in the comments).

When you were talking to him you'd throw in a lip bite and a mess with a tendril of your hair, he couldn't even finish his sentence.

Which you thought was utterly adorable.

"Hey Y/N!" You heard the chipper accent of the boy you were just thinking about.

"Hey," you turned around and smiled at him.

You didn't miss the blush that waved over his cheeks and the little twinkle in his eyes. You weren't going to lie, you did have feelings for Pan but then again who wouldn't?

"So I was talking to Felix and he told me to man up," he said sticking his hands in his pockets.

"What?" You asked with a smile.

"He said I need to admit that..." You could actually see the gears turning in his head. "That I find you very attractive....and I want to..God how did he word it?" He ran his fingers through his hair and he started blushing.

"Peter?" You asked.

"Yeah?" He said without looking at you.

"I don't mean to jump to conclusions, but are you asking me out?"

"That's how he worded it!" He said, then he started blushing, "yeah I tried to."

"Yes." You said and pecked him on the cheek. You turned and started walking again.

"Hang on! wait a second!"

I know, extremely out of character but I love awkward Peter Pan.

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