Friends in Neverland

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Imagine one of your friends from the mortal world found their way onto Neverland and now you (the Queen of Neverland) has to figure out how to deal with them.

Backstory on the friend: April (your friend) has always nagged you for everything you ever did, No matter what she had to put her opinion on everything, which is why you two never hung out anymore. Then you went missing (aka you went to Neverland).

DISCLAIMER: April is a real person in my life, me and her don't talk anymore. Please don't take any of the insults she says personal. She used to say these things to me and I just put them in because I have a lot of built up anger towards her for the way she treated me.

FYI I apologize for weird formatting.

Y/N Pov:

"Y/N! Peter!" you and Peter walked out of your shared treehouse, and got down onto the ground.

"What's up Mike?" You asked, Mike was a new addition to the Neverland family.

"Felix brought in a newbie." You and Peter looked at each other confused as Mike walked away, most likely to bring the new boy to you two.

"I thought The Shadow wasn't bringing any new boys." You said to Peter who shook his head and shrugged, meaning he had no idea what was going on, which was strange especially for Peter of all people.

"What the heck? Peter Pan isn't real!" You heard a familiar voice shout and it was feminine, you looked over and saw Peter was furious,

"Peter calm down, I said the same thing when I got here anyway." You chuckled.

"Yeah but you were different." He smirked and you knew he was thinking something flirty.

You scoffed, "How was I different?"

"She sounds horrendous just by her tone, you were semi sweet." He gave you one of his charming smiles and pecked you on the lips.

"Let's go greet our new visitor." You said, he nodded but kept a hand on the small of your back, he always had to have physical contact with you, when you asked him why he said,

"So I know you're not a figment of my imagination."

You thought it was sweet and cheesy (which was rare for him), also you weren't complaining.

You and him walked towards the voice and you stopped when you saw her.

"Oh hell no." You shook your head and stepped up, Peter's hand fell and he looked at you confused. Her head snapped up at the sound of your voice,

"Y-Y/N?" She asked and got out of a lost boy's grip. She rushed over and hugged you tight, you were so close to punching her in the face. The boys saw the pissed off look on your face, you didn't like to be hugged by people you despised for emotionally abusing you.

April let you go and looked at you with wide eyes, "this is where you've been! I found you, everybody's been wondering where you were. These boys are insane! They think Peter Pan is real, and they say he has a wife, c'mon let's go." She tried pulling you away put you stopped and tugged her back,


"One, these boys are not insane. Two, Peter Pan is real and three, I'm not leaving" You didn't like her tone, frankly you wanted to clock her right in the jaw.

"Why? Look at you, you're filthy and not to mention your face had thinned and your skin is terrible, are you washing your face here?" It's true you had lost weight, that's what happens when you run around the woods while hunting every day. You have been washing your face, you've also have been drinking the water which has made you healthier.

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