Mental Health Awareness Month.

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Mental Health Awareness month.

May is the mental health month where we talk about mental health for one months don't then the world goes back to pretending it doesn't exist till the next may.

But i've never done that in this book, I always talk about mental health because it is not something that should be neglected.

Here are some reminders:
-You are not weak if you self harm
-You are not a burden.
-You are strong.
-Nobody hates you in your life.
-You are not weak if you have anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, multiple personality disorder, anorexia, bulimia, insomnia etc. Those things, do not make you weak.

Guess what? You woke up today! and i'm so proud of you! You took your pills! You slept! You attempted to go to school and if you succeed great! if you didn't, that's okay, tomorrow will be better!

i'm. so. proud. of. every. single. one. of. you.

y'all don't realize that i always notice when someone new that i've never seen before votes on my book. i always notice. you are not invisible, not to me. not to the lost family. i respond to every single comment and if i don't have time to think out a response, i wait until i have a good hour to respond to all comments.

because i see you, yes! you. if you're thinking "god i know she doesn't actually see me" yes i do! the only reason i even check my numbers is to check up on all of you.

You are not weak, here's what i've dealt with and to this day still dealing with:
-severe anxiety
-panic attacks
-sexual harassment and assault (wasn't raped. i was touched without my consent even after i said no)
-suicidal thoughts
-self harm (not anymore, i'm fine)

and i'm not telling you all of this to get pity or anything. I'm telling you this because you are not alone in your struggles.

here's how i've dealt with it:
-cutting toxic people out of my life
-asking for help (i know it's hard loves, but talk to someone, a friend, a colleague, a teacher you trust, a family member)
-journaling, art, writing
-therapy! i go to therapy every single week and it's life changing.
-i take an antidepressant and sleeping aid but i started taking those less than a year ago.

you are not weak, you are strong and loved and i'm so proud of you for staying alive when you didn't want to.

please, please, please reach out to me if anybody needs anything. i don't care if you just want to tell me something random. i want there to be an open communication between us.

i love you guys so much and i'll see y'all in the next one❤️

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