Dangerous Woman

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THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE ON MY PREVIOUS CHAPTER!<3, seriously I can't thank you guys enough for the sweet words and I hope all of you are doing okay<3

As promised, the super badass chapter! 

"Oh Pan," You sung it from your place in the cage.

"What?" He snapped leaning against the tree near the cage.

You fake pouted, "aw, is someone on his manstrual cycle?"

"You like to play games?" He asked deviously. 

"My favorite is the one where I manage to get you to break down in front of me and reveal your secrets." You quirked your eyebrow in a way that made his knees go weak.

But he caught himself.

"How would you manage to do that?"

"People say I'm easy to talk to," you shrugged, "wanna test it out?"

"I have better things to do Y/N."

"For example?" Your smooth voice was like icing on a cake.

"You seem to forget your kidnapped."

"I am?" You quirked your head to the side, "I couldn't tell by the cushy cage." Your crisp accent was like music to his ears, he felt dizzy as if he was about to fall. He shook his head trying to clear the fog.

"Something wrong Peter?"

"It's Pan to you!" He bellowed, his name cutting the fog.

"Wow and they say women are sensitive."

"They are, why do you think we never had them?"

You glared, he could feel the burning of your eyes, he felt his heart start to heat up, "you see, women are a hell of a lot more powerful than you think."


You glared again, this time instead of his heart burning, he felt his brain start to sting, as if tiny needles were stabbing all the veins in his brain.

He fell to the ground clutching his brain, "what are you doing to me?" He screamed raking his hands through his hair.

"Only time will tell Peter." With the flick of your hand, he had crumpled to the ground.

You smirked, you punched the rusty lock and it opened the gate. You crawled out and stood over Pan.

He looked so peaceful in his sleep, he didn't even look evil.

But you knew everything he's done.


Pan's head was killing him.

He felt the ground beneath him and shot up to his feet, magic ready.

Except it wasn't.

"Led blocks magic." You said bluntly from the doorway of what he now realized was a cave.

"What the hell are you?" He hissed out and glared at your shadow.

All he could see from you was your silhouette against the starry night, except one thing.

Your eyes.

They weren't their normal color any more, they were a golden brown, like a demented cat.

"I'm a lot of things Peter," you stepped into the torch light, he saw you had changed from the prisoner clothes back into your normal ones. A black leather jacket, grey tee, black jeans and black boots. Your hair looked to be made soft as silk, your lips painted in a light neutral color and your eyes rimmed with coal.

You looked beautiful.

"Bitch, evil, the embodiment of the antichrist happens to be my favorite though." You shrugged innocently and stood in front of him, you crossed your arms and he noticed your nails were jet black.

"What are you?" He gritted out.

"A girl."

He rolled his eyes, "seriously what are you?"

"My parents were wizards, hence why I look way different than when you first met me and the led cage." He just noticed how you had a lisp, you slightly slurred your S sounds.

"But your eyes are yellow?"

You smiled, showing off to perfectly pointed canines that were longer than your other teeth, "I'm a bloodsucker."

"I thought vampires were a myth."

"I mean," you shrugged, "our myth is totally incorrect."

"How so?"

"First of all, we aren't allergic to garlic, we love the stuff, it's like crack cocaine. Second, holy water doesn't work. Third, most of us don't eat humans, and fourth, we have Alphas just like werewolves." You crossed your arms and leaned against the rock.

"So why are you here then? Why go to the trouble of capturing me?" He said leaning his arms on the bars.

"I heard your legend, the Pied Piper who stole away little boys with the sound of music. I also wanted to see if your vegetation was suitable for my kind in case we ever needed an escape route. I also wanted to see if you were as handsome as the legend says."

"And?" He quirked his eyebrow.

"Prince Charming got nothing on you."

He couldn't tell if it was your bluntness or the flirt but he felt his cheeks heat up. "Why would you need an escape route?" He asked, trying to change the subject

You smiled at his blushing, "because I'm being hunted and my pack wants me to stay safe."

"Who's hunting you?" He asked as he watched your get a key from your pocket.

"Angry farmers, wizards, you name it." You said as you unlocked his cage, you held the door open for him.

"Well, I don't know what I can offer you." He stepped out and shoved his hands in his pockets. You moved in front of him.

"I thought you were the big bad Peter Pan, why would you help me?" You turned towards him and you noticed how you two were nearly the same height.

"Because you're lost and dark, I love darkness." He kept looking from your lips to your eyes.

"It seems we have more in common than I thought." You walked away.

"How do you know I'm not going to kill you?" He asked as you two walked out of the cave.

"Because if you wanted to you would've tried by now."

"Tried?" He said, laughter evident in his voice.

"I'm the fastest creature alive," you winked and he blushed more, he covered it up with a smirk.

"Prove it, race you to mermaid cove?"

"Anytime." With that you took off in a blur of black, he smiled, he knew you'd win but it seems this was the beginning to a beautiful friendship. 

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