The 5 Senses Of Neverland

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#1. Sight:

In the morning you'd see the streams of light inching their way into Peter and Yours bedroom, you'd go to the window and see the beautiful lush green trees and other plants. The gorgeous blue sky as well with soft clouds.

At night you could see the stars on a clear night, being able to point out different constellations to Peter and The Boys. You'd see the orange and red flames dancing across the wood much like the boys dancing around the fire to Peters Flute. You also got to witness the smiles on their faces.

#2. Hearing:

In the morning you'd either hear the boys messing around or Peter humming while getting ready. The creak of the hardwood as he stepped closer to the bed to wake you before he left. Then when you finally woke up you'd go down to the forest floor to see the boys actually being nice to each other, they're only nice in the mornings when they haven't had a chance to get pissy yet.

At night you got to hear their howls of laughter and voices as they danced to the lovely melody of Peters Flute. When they had all gone to bed, you were able to hear the crickets, owls and all the nighttime animals if you left your window open, which is what you usually did. If you're lucky Peter will start mumbling in his sleep and it's the most adorable thing you've ever seen.

#3. Taste:

In the morning you tasted the amazing breakfast the boys try to make you. Well Felix has a knack for cooking and he enjoys cooking, but sometimes he burns the toast which is okay since some boys like their food crunchy.

At Night you taste the food you've hunted throughout the day, sometimes it's pig or rabbit or turkey. It's a variation. You usually make a sauce out of tomatoes or peppers and marinate the meat or vegetables in it during the later hours of the afternoon The boys hate vegetables, but if you make a sauce they don't mind really.

#4. Smell:

In the morning you'd smell breakfast from the forest floor, as that's what usually awoke you fully. If there's food you go.

Before you go down, you stand in the window facing the forest of Neverland, you breathe in the breeze that somehow manages to smell like the ocean.

At night you smell the wood burning but it isn't a burnt smell, it's a nice woodsy one, where you can practically smell the nature.

You also smell the leftover food by the fire, and the ocean again, but this time it's a cooler and darker in a way. It's comforting and it's home.

#5. Touch:

In the morning you get to feel Peters arms wrapped around you, feel him press a kiss to your forehead and hold you tighter to him.

At night: You two usually take a walk on the beach and you feel the soft sand squish in between your toes and ocean water wash up over your feet. Peter would hold your hand and you two would just talk about random stuff.


You lived like a queen on Neverland, always experiencing things no one else will. You felt like you were in a dream and you prayed you never woke up, you felt infinite on Neverland and hoped to god nothing ever happened to your paradise.

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