What's My Name?

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You were the good girl on Neverland.

"Were" being the key word in that statement.

One incident changed you forever.

You were kidnapped by Captain Hook and having a full blown panic attack but trying to keep it contained.

"Aw, is Pan's little ole' princess crying?" Hook said, dragging his hook down your face, catching a couple tears on the way.

You sniffed and shut your eyes so he wouldn't see you break.

You hated this feeling, feeling vulnerable, feeling like you needed to be saved.

Your wrists were burned from the rope and you felt hopeless. He had slapped you countless times and ran his ice cold hook down your face.

Peter eventually found you and saved you but you still felt trapped within your own skin.

"Y/N, what's going on love?" He asked wrapping his arms around your waist as you gazed from the treehouse to the view of the ocean.

"What would you do if I became evil?" At your words, Peter's hands around your waist went still.


You turned around to face him, "what if I became evil and powerful?"

He quirked his eyebrow, "love, why do you want to become a villian?"

"Because I no longer want to be vulnerable, helpless, a damsel." You hissed out the final word as if it left a bitter taste in your mouth.

Peter let out a little smile, "we don't mind saving you."

"I don't want to be saved." You finally let your anger consume you, "I don't want you guys to be my knights and my King," you said 'King' pointedly at Peter, to which he smiled at. "I want to be a Queen."

"You are a Queen."

You shook your head, "that's the thing, Queens handle themselves, why do you think Regina is so powerful? Because she was in control, not her court, not her enemies."

"I think this is a grand idea." He said finally, smiling evilly, "I love the idea of you being dark."

"As do I."

With that, you two got training.

It took you nearly a year to train, to become stronger, to learn magic and to learn to conquer. You weren't going to lie, the training, the magic, it changed you. Both physically and mentally.

The boys were ecstatic when you told them of your plans, they were happy to have a powerful Queen who had a thirst for vengeance.

So you all decided on an attack on the pirates to show them you were no longer a damsel who needed saving.

You were now a Queen who was a badass bitch.

The boys jumped aboard and managed to disarm the pirates and tie them down.

You realized you were turning into Peter (not necessarily a bad thing but jesus christ) you clearly had a thing for dramatic flares.

Peter flashed in first, Hook grimaced at him, "what the bloody hell is the mean of this?"

Peter laughed, "my Queen just likes dramatic entrances, as do I though."

You loved it when he called you that.

"So you finally got rid of that sniveling princess?"

Peter's eyes flared and you quickly got in there before he ruined your game by cheating.

You flashed in in a cloud of purple and black smoke, "hiya Captain." You said happily and waved while smiling a smile dipped in poison.

Blood drained in his face, "Y/N?"

"The one and only." You understood his shock.

Your H/C hair was now white, your eyes were bright and sparked with evil. Your clothes were simple, black tank, black jeans and black heeled boots. Your lips were painted with red and your eyes rimmed with coal.

You thought you looked fan-fucking-tastic.

"I don't understand."

You shrugged, "I got sick of pirates hurting me and those I care about, I thought I'd do something about it."

"You were good, you were a good soul."

"Funny, what hurting someone does to them." You glared at him, he looked down to the ground, "look at me." You hissed. He needed to see what war he caused.

He didn't listen to you.

You raised your hand and curled your fingers, your magic forced him to look up at you.

He looked at you surprised, "it's so cute, seeing bigots confused." You said laughing. "I'm the Queen of Neverland darling."

"I don't believe this."

"Well believe it honey." You said, leaning down to Hook's pathetic, cowering frame. "What's my name?" You asked, you leaned down closer to his face.

"Y/N." He gritted it out.

"And?" You asked quirking your eyebrow.

"You're the Queen of Neverland."

"And don't you forget it." You said.

You flashed you and your boys (including Peter) off the ship and to the island, leaving trails of purple smoke in your wake. 



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