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Imagine that you go to hell with the Storybrooke crew.

In this you were married to Peter and you are Regina's daughter. THIS IS A LITTLE BIT DIFFERENT THAN THE EPISODE JUST TO MAKE THIS EASIER.

Song: War Of Hearts by Ruelle

You're day was going fine, you woke up, ate breakfast at Granny's, hung out with Henry and now you're floating on the boat along with Snow, Charming, Henry, Emma, Regina, Robin and Rumple accompanying them to hell. Great.

There was person you hoped you'd see down there. Peter. You still loved him even though everybody in your family thought he was evil. Which you obviously understood but they helped you become good why couldn't they help him? Because he didn't want to change, and you honestly didn't want him too. Ever.

Sounds crazy, but you weren't the type of person to expect someone to change when you got together. You were his evil queen once upon a time (A/N: I'm hilarious), you weren't giving up on your hope of seeing him again.

"What're you thinking?" Your mom, the evil queen, sat next to you.

"Nothing of importance." You lied through your teeth, you've gotten used to lying to her and Robin. Sadly you've also gotten used to lying to Henry.

"You're lying."

Funny, you picked up on that this time.

"Okay, I agreed to come here for another reason,"

She let out a sigh, "Y/N, you can't keep having this hope he's going to show up. I thought you liked hanging out with Belle, if you keep having this hope Gold is going to lose his mind."

You had developed mutual relationship with Gold and Belle. You liked to read, so did Belle. You liked to be a conniving little shit, so did Gold. It was weird being friends with your dead husband's son and wife. You chose to never think too much about it.

"I don't care. Peter never gave up on me, I'll never give up on him."

"I am happy that you found happiness. I just can't believe it was with Peter Pan." She clenched her fists.

"Mom, if I found him, could we bring him back to Storybrooke?"

"Honey, it costs a life to do that who would you sacrifice?"

"I have a way," you clutched your locket in your hand.


"Don't worry, I know what I have to do. I'm going to do it."


"You said you wanted me to be happy, just trust me."

She sighed, defeated, "Fine,on one condition, we help him get better and less evil."

"Really?" You looked at her with a glimmer of hope.

She smiled, "I would do anything for you my daughter. Anything." You smiled and hugged her. Little did you know a certain crocodile was eavesdropping.


After you split up with them, you volunteered to go alone. You walked along the streets in an attempt to fit in, many people stared and whispered. You shrugged it off, hoping it was just because they thought it was new. But something in your gut told you wasn't.

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