Valentines Day

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One thing about Peter is that he's not romance known. You are the first person he's been with since his wife before you, you know the one he had a child with. The two of you did not have a romantic beginning, you despised him, he despised you. Then three years later the two of you were in love.

You didn't expect anything for Valentines Day (the poor guy barely remembered your birthday) but you were a bit sad at the non-eventful valentines day coming up. And you were on your period, so sex was 100% off the table.

You woke up with him gone, you sighed into your pillow, you guys may not celebrate it but it'd be nice to wake up on Valentine's Day in his arms, especially considering you two were engaged.

You looked down at your ringless hand, it was a very impromptu proposal. You two were working on island things and then he asked you out of the blue. You got up to get your clothes on and begin the day.

It was nearing the end of the day, you hadn't seen Peter at all. The Lost Boys were being secretive about his location which you thought meant he was fucking with Hook like always. So you snuck out the Jolly Roger and watched it for a few hours, looking for the little shit. Nothing.

You came back to camp to find it empty and Peter in a black button down shirt, with black jeans and boots. He looked really good in black.

"Hi," he said, your heart fluttered but you crossed your arms.

"Hi." You said flatly.

"You missed me." He said, raising an eyebrow and giving you a smirk that had you wanting to smack it off his face.

"You're an idiot." You said, letting a smile slip through your icy exterior.

"An idiot that bought you something." You raised your eyebrow at his voice.

"Go upstairs," he nodded to the treehouse, "i'll be down here waiting."

You rolled your eyes but smiled lovingly, fine, you'd play his game.

You got upstairs to find a fancy black tank with black jeans and nice boots. At least he was smart enough to not buy you a dress considering the fact that you two were in the woods.

You put it on after taking a quick shower, you managed to not get your hair wet and pinned it half up half down.

You walked back down to find him grinning, he took your hand and led you to to your destination.


He made you put a goddamn blindfold on, asshole.

"I know you're angry love, but it'll be worth it."

You smiled against your better judgement and continued letting him lead you.

You smelled roses, lavender and jasmine as he pulled you to a halt. "What is this?" You whispered, smiling gently.

"This," he whispered as he dragged his hands from your waist to the blindfold, "is happy Valentines Day."

The blindfold was removed to showcase a gorgeous set up. A red blanket sat in the middle as candles were flickering all throughout the landscape. Fireflies and the stars were twinkling as you laughed out of pure joy, "Peter..." You turned to find him on his knee.

"I know you didn't get a ring and you said you didn't want one, but I want you to have one. I also didn't get to give a speech. Y/N L/N you have always been the love of my life even when we hated each other, I just didn't know it. Your heart made me realize how truly special you were. Will you marry me?"

You were full blown sobbing, "yes." You nodded rapidly, emphasizing your answer. He slid the emerald and gold ring on your finger and pulled you into a kiss.

From then on, you two celebrated Valentine's day every year.

Happy Valentines Day loves! What're you doing for valentines day?

I'm going to school and then coming home to watch horror movies while I do some journaling.

If you don't have a valentine, I can be your valentine if you want 😊

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