How He Shows His Love

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- By staying by your side during hard moments.

- He kisses you randomly making sure to make you blush. It's a game between the two of you.

- Waking up to little kisses on the forehead or shoulder

- At night he holds you close, loving the way your body feels cuddled against him.

- He wakes up periodically throughout the night to make sure you're still next to him. Once pirates lured you out in the middle of the night by attacking the boys. Since then he wakes up now every two hours to make sure you're there.

- When you two argue, you don't show him emotion. The only way he gets you to show emotion is when he A. Apologizes, or B. Purposefully does something stupid to make you laugh. The second one is your favorite.

- He raises his eyebrow All. The. Time. He thinks you find it endearing, you do, but you try not to show him he's winning.

- When you wake up and he's not in bed with you, you'll usually find a note or flowers, or sometimes both.

- He makes sure you're safe all the time. He doesn't coddle you, he knows you can take care of yourself but it's reassuring to know you're okay.

He loves you with all his heart, he would do anything to make sure you were safe. 

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