sugery update

915 22 45

so i just woke up from my surgery that i got out of at 11:30
and this is what happened.

valium fucks you up so badly. i could hardly walk.
but it relaxes the shit out of you. and this is what happened:

apparently when the doctor was injecting stuff into my IV i said "quit pulling on the goddamn thing"
then when i woke up i told the nurse "i want some damn cookies"
then my parents came in and the nurse told them i did i really well during surgery and i go "what the fuck"

so i wasn't angrily swearing there was just no filter on it. i literally don't remember any of this it's a haze.

but anyway i did okay! and i'm in a shit ton of ibuprofen.

anyway love you guys and thank you for all your sweet messages!

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