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Me Too

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Me Too.

I'm sure you guys don't want to hear the sad stories but this is one that I must speak out on. 

I have been sexually harassed through FaceTime and text messages, and from this guy in person.

But I was too naive to ever notice, I fucking thought he liked me as a crush. 

I was wrong. 

I was nothing to him, I meant absolutely nothing. 

He was my best friend from age five, growing up our parents would make jokes about us being together. Eventually we started to fall for it, at least I did. 

I got news that he was moving and I took it pretty harshly, I was dreading the night that we'd eventually say goodbye. 

I had managed to get myself caught up in a web of false hope and betrayal, along the way I had managed to fall in love with him. 

He owned my heart completely and must have known it. 

The going away party he had, he kept smacking my rear. 

Even after I told him to stop. 

I was too naive to continue to tell him to stop or punch him. 

I was blinded by the fact that maybe, just maybe, we would end up together. 

(I was not raped)

We kept talking through messages and FaceTime, one night he wanted to see my whole naked body. 

"No." I would say. 

"C'monnnn," he would drawl out. 

"I said no." 

This would continue for a couple of weeks, I never did. 

One night it went too far, way  too far. 

Here are some of the horrible things he said to me: 

"You don't trust me."

"I thought we were friends."

"If you were a real friend, you'd show yourself to me."

I won't go into anymore details but let's just say we haven't spoken in years. I have blocked him on every social media, my friends have blocked and deleted his number.

I never showed him myself. 

This is sexual harassment. 

This is the disgusting scum God has picked off his shoe and thrown back onto the ground. 

Sexual harassment is no fucking joke, it is disgusting, it is disgraceful. 




I don't even tell my closest friends what happened (again I was not raped at all, it was just a heart wrenching experience)

If anyone ever needs me, please do not hesitate to message me. 

Anything that is said will always remain between us, (unless you are going to cause harm to yourself or someone else). 

Please do not hesitate to reach out, I will try to help you all in any way that I can. 

I love you guys.


a post from oct. 3rd 2018

why i didn't report.

1. they would've said "that's not real harassment".

2. they would've said "he was your friend".

3. they wouldn't have believed me.

4. i was scared of him finding me and i'm still scared of him today.

5. nobody would've listened anyway.

i didn't tell anyone for two fucking years.

two. years.

in fear of him finding me, in fear of people not believing me.

the first time i told someone was my best friend who knew nothing about this guy and then she comforted me while i cried.

people would've said "that's not real".
- he touched me without my consent.
- felt me up
- smacked my ass and wouldn't stop when i told him to
-continuously tried to see my body and force me to show him myself.
-he harassed me.

luckily i had the option of blocking him since he moved to another state after the touching had happened, then when he harassed me over text i blocked him.

but that didn't stop.

it hasn't stopped for three years now, three years this is the contact i've had with him since all these incidents:

-he added me on snapchat by number
-he emailed me through phone number (like used his email to message my number)
-his mother added me on facebook (that bitch was denied)

So when someone doesn't report, it's because they're scared. Or maybe because they don't want to, that is always the victims decision.

if you think otherwise, if you think it's the victims fault, if you think, "she was asking for it" or "guys are supposed to want sex, he got lucky" or "where's the proof? why should we believe them"

fuck off.

to my lovely readers: i love you and see you guys in the next update! 💖

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