Show Her What You Got

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You are considered the most evil villain in all of fairyland.

Which made Pan realize you were the best ally there could ever be.

When he first proposed the idea of him and you ruling together, you found it the best option you had considering Fairyland was currently manhunting you right now.

So you left.

Since then him and you have been the most powerful duo, you have always maintained a friendship with him, it never went to anything more, you never wanted it to.

Until he brought the doll to the island.

Her skin was practically glowing, had the girl never experienced a tan? A scrape or a bruise?

There were no scars, no proof of work in her whole life. She looked like she's never shed a tear and if she has it was over having to wash the dishes or making her bed.

She made you nervous, you weren't scared of her and you never would be. You were nervous because she made the boys anxious which made you anxious.

You would never let any harm come to them and that's basically what she brought to Neverland. She wasn't used to how things ran on the island.

So far she has complained about many things, her dress getting dirty, the boys smelling awful, you smelling awful (you nearly chopped her head off for that one). She's complained about the bugs (which there weren't that many), she complained about a cut that a Lost Boy accidentally gave her.

And you didn't give a shit anymore.

Pan had come to you to talk to her about how things ran on Neverland.

"Hey blondie," you said leaning up against the beam of her tent.

"What Y/N?"
"Is that any way to address a superior?"

"Shut up Y/N and get out my tent."
"I'd watch that tone if I were you goldilocks."

"Why should I?" She said getting up and walking towards you.

You let a dark chuckle slip, "because Pan sent me here, which means he expects me to handle whatever tantrum you're bound to throw."

"So you're Pan's little bitch." She said, an ugly smirk gracing her somewhat pretty features. 

Your blood ran hot, but not out of embarrassment, out of anger and loathing for the spoiled brat that Pan made you deal with.

"I'd rather be somebody's bitch, than be their fucktoy." You said letting your eyes look her up and down, "but I mean, he has his fun so go him." You didn't have time to block the knife slashing against your face.

You shot back, you put a hand to your cheek, touching the warm liquid that's oozing out of the cut.

You saw her eyes go wide towards the doorway, before you could turn around, you heard Pan's voice from the doorway of the tent, "show her what you got Y/N."

He didn't have to tell you twice.

I'll let you guys fill in the rest of what happened, sorry this is super short I just have a busy weekend and only had a few minutes to write something down, you'll have longer one shots coming your way soon :) 

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