Periods Part Two

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Being on your period and getting sick of Pans shit. THIS IS BEFORE YALL ARE TOGETHER

Pan was being a sexist dick.

Well, he always is but today, you've had enough.

You were picking up logs for a fire when he came up behind you, "well look at that! A girl working!"

Bite your tongue Y/N, that'll just make him angry.

I'm not going to live in fear of him.

You huffed, stood up and walked into your tent.

"Quit being so moody Y/N." He said following you.

That's it. Let's see how he likes being yelled at.

You spun around, "you know I've had enough of your bullshit."

"Excuse me?" His cheeks got an angry flush.

"Your misogynist bullshit." You said slowly as if you were talking to a five year old.

"My what?"

"Your 'girls are weak' and 'girls are so moody' bullshit. Well listen here fuckface, I'd like to see you act perfectly fine as blood gushes out your dick every fucking month, I'd like to see you not get pissed off every time someone asks you a damn question about why you're so fucking moody."

"I'm sorry, what?" he said genuinely confused.

"The inner linings of my organs are shedding and coming out my vagina." You said again like you were speaking to a five year old.

He still looked somewhat confused but mostly scared.

"They are literally leaking out of my body in a hot and fast motion. So excuse me if I'm a tad bit moody."

Everything seemed to click in his head, "that's why you asked for the weird cushion things on strings..."

"They're called tampons Pan."

He just stared at you.

"You gonna ask me why I'm so moody again? or are you gonna leave?" You asked calmly.

"I'm just gonna..." he backed up but tripped over the cot, "go." he finished and scurried out the flap of the tent.


The boys sat up confused when Pan left the tent.

"Okay new rules, one, never question Y/n's moods. Two, never and I mean never piss her off."

They slowly nodded, wondering what had their leader so scared, but they didn't bother asking because he wouldn't tell them no matter what.

I know I say this a lot, but I love you guys.

I don't think i've said this but thank you guys for all the love on Good Enough.

Seriously I almost didn't post it because I was terrified that you guys wouldn't like the serious factor and that you guys wanted more happy stuff but I wanted to get mental health across and have it be realistic.

It is so hard for me to find realistic examples of mental health issues and such. I wanted realistic because so many people are scared talking about it. It's time for more people to be aware of mental illnesses because some people don't even know they have them because literally no one talks about it.

But thank you for all the love and all the support I love you guys more than you could imagine.

If anyone ever needs anything my messages are always open no matter what, because no one deserves to be alone in these situations and if you don't feel comfortable with anyone irl please come to my url (see what i did there...i'll stop). Seriously come to me though, I will help in any way I can.


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