Happy Thanksgiving!

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You loved Thanksgiving because it's pretty much a whole day of eating.

You loved Christmas more than anything though, but that's next month.

You woke up and quietly snuck to the kitchen and started baking and cooking at 6 AM to surprise the Lost Boys. Peter and you wanted to have Thanksgiving on the island this year since most of the Lost Boys came from shitty home lives and didn't have good memories with holidays. But then, they threw a Mother's Day party for you.

Which was hands down one of the best days of your life, the boys cooked and baked for you. They even said they wouldn't mind celebrating holidays.

So Peter and you picked Thanksgiving to start, then Christmas.

Luckily, he can use magic to flash all the ingredients and supplies you'd need. You agreed to start working at 6 then he'd get the boys started with chores, hunting and all that jazz, he'd set up all the tables and such, then that'd be Thanksgiving.

You memorized your grandma's pumpkin pie recipe by heart, along with her famous stuffing recipe.

You baked and cooked all morning, you diced and chopped, you skinned potatoes and rolled out dough with a rolling pin. You pinched the crust in the pie pan, you basted the turkey.

Pan woke up but you told him to not look and walk down to the camp to get the boys up and off to their daily routines, then he'd set up the tables.

Yes, holidays are a lot of work, but you were willing to go through the setup and such for the boys.

They didn't really know how to handle holidays, like birthdays and little anniversaries they knew but it's the big feasts that scared them.

You hustled the food down to the camp's main area, Peter had set up a nice huge picnic table with a white cloth. There were no flowers our anything because let's face it, food is more important than decorations.

Around six in the evening, the boys came home.

And their faces were priceless.

"Happy Thanksgiving boys!" You said happily.

The boys were smiling so wide you figured their cheeks hurt a lot by now. Their eyes were twinkling with happiness and they truly looked grateful.

"Come on," Peter said with a smile and ushered them over to the table.

They scattered around the table, the little ones sitting by you because you were technically their mother and they needed help getting food and cutting it.

The older boys helped the younger ones out as well, while Peter just smiled and helped you serve food.

When everything was served, a little one asked, "what is Thanksgiving Y/N?"

"A day that you celebrate being thankful for those around you." You smiled.

"Like us?"

"Yes, exactly like you guys."

Everyone smiled and continued eating, you spent the rest of the night telling stories of other holidays where you're from.

Sorry this was so short, I just wanted to do something special for Thanksgiving!

If you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, Happy Thursday!

And if you do, Happy Thanksgiving!

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