Being the Mother of Neverland

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Being the Mother of Neverland.

Being the only one who Pan allows to see his weaknesses

Being the one who takes care of the younger boys when they're sick or hurt

The boys do call you mom, but they call Peter, "Pan". If they called him dad he would lose his shit.

"I don't have to listen to you! I'm older!" -Some lost boy

"Just because you're older doesn't mean I can't kick your ass!" -You

Little Excerpt:

You woke up with a start, you heard one of the boys crying, you quietly rushed up and got shoes and a sweater on. Luckily, you didn't wake Pan, he loves his sleep almost as much as you.

You got down onto the ground and followed the crying to the new boys tent, he was a fourteen year old from the mortal world. You tapped on the tent, the crying silenced and he opened the flap.

He smiled but you could tell it was fake, his eyes were all puffy.

"Hi, Y/N."

"Hey Jacks, you okay?"

"Yeah, of course." He nodded his head too eagerly and forced a bigger smile.

"No you're not, do you want to talk about it?" You offered a soft smile, his eyes flicked up to the treehouse.

"It's okay, Pan's asleep and if you're really that nervous I can take you somewhere to talk." You whispered and offered your hand, he just stared.

"Hon, you can trust me." He nodded and grabbed your hand, you flashed you guys to somewhere where no one else could track you, well besides Peter.

You guys appeared in a cave in the mountain, it's carved in the top. It overlooks all of Neverland, you can even see clear water underneath the starry sky.

"So what's going on?" You asked and gently sat on one of the chairs in the short cave.

He shrugged while sitting next to you, he continued to be silent

You sighed, "Jacks, you have to trust me here."

"Why do you want my trust?"

"Because you're on this island, you're a part of this family. Trust is one of the things that keep us together."

"The other boys tend to trust you."

"Because we're a family." You gently pointed out.

He smiled and then lost it, "I don't belong here."

"That's what I thought when I got here and now I love it here."

"How many boys have gotten here since you?"

"Well, I've been here a long time, but I'm sure at least five new boys since me have gotten here, why?"

"Because Pan told me that they don't' bring new boys often, why me?"

"Because you're special, all the boys are special."

"But why me? I mean I was bullied loser at school, what makes me special?"

You smiled gently, "because you're lost, just like us." He nodded in response and stayed silent for a little bit

"I didn't think this was a real place." He finally said, breaking the semi awkward silence.

"Neither did I," You laughed, "don't tell Pan I told you this okay?"

"Okay...? I'm scared." He chuckled.

"When I came here, I full on bitch slapped him, he had no idea what to do with me." You laughed, "I actually remember so many things I said to him, I'm shocked he actually fell in love with me."

"How did you guys fall in love?"

"It took a while, but I knew he liked me for a while." You laughed remembering the stupid shit he used to do in front of you.


"He'd just embarrass himself in front of me so many times that I knew something was wrong. Because in front of the boys he was this tough macho badass, in front of me he was this little weirdo who was fun to make flustered." You laughed again.

"Seriously?" He laughed again, you were hoping he would.

"Are you feeling better? My goal here was to make you feel more open and comfortable."

"Yeah, can I ask you something?"


"Why do the boys call you mom? Only a few of the older ones call you Y/N."

You sighed heavily, "I'm seen as a mother figure, I'm known in the storybooks and legends as the Queen Of Neverland or The Lost Princess."

"Oh my god, I didn't even realize that was you, you're the Y/N L/N, an insanely badass princess who fought her way through life, before...she was saved by a mysterious man in the shadows, and that was the ending."

"Well it was the ending the author wanted," you smiled, "my story is still being written and now you're in it."

"That's so cool!" He exclaimed.

You giggled, and "yeah, well, we better get back to camp before Pan notices I'm gone." You held out your hand.

"Okay." He gripped your hand tightly and you flashed you two back at camp.

You nodded towards his ten, "go back to bed." You whispered gently while ushering towards his tent and he smiled.

"Goodnight," he started walking towards the tent and then turned around again, "mom," he finished and you smiled warmly while he went back in the tent. You waved your hand and you were in the treehouse.

You slid on your pajamas again and walked into the bedroom, you saw Peter's sleeping form in the moonlight.

You slid into bed and his arms immediately found you, he pulled you closer and snuggled his head into your neck, you knew he was awake.

"How long have you been awake?" You whispered into the darkness.

"Since you left, love."

"You should've gone back to sleep," you turned and faced him, he scooted over so you guys were face to face and more comfortable.

"'I couldn't sleep, as cheesy as that sounds." He smiled and laced your fingers together.

"Was Jacks okay?" He asked gently.

"Just getting used to the island, he's okay now."

"I heard him call you 'mom'," he smiled, "I like that they trust you enough to call you that."

"So do I," you smiled and your eyes drifted shut.


By the way thank you to @angelgonz99 for calling out that spelling error, honestly calling me out on that stuff is the best😂 because I tend to update before I edit again...yeah I know not a good idea 😂

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