Ghost Of You

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Things got bad on the island, you almost got hit by magic, so you fled and built your own life.

Requested by the lovely Harringtcnfamily

Peter Pan was in pain, deep emotional, mental pain.

He lost you, you weren't dead, you were alive and well in the streets of London, where you fled when things got bad on the island.

He had had a bad day, he wasn't proud of it by any means. He loved you, you nearly died and his anger snapped which almost got you killed. If you had died, if that magic had not narrowly missed your head, you'd be dead and it would be all his fault.

When you left, the whole island felt it. Tink even felt it in her hut. The sun rarely showed itself, it rained constantly and for an island it was freezing (so it was mid-60s). The flowers didn't bloom anymore and if they did, the petals were gray, black or white.

He still had anger issues, they got worse when you left. The boys were afraid of him, they weren't afraid when you were there, but now that you're gone...

Pretty soon after you left, boys wanted to return home, so Pan let them.

The island was scarce of any life now. It had been 10 years since you left.

He watched from the shadows as you put your daughter to bed, with your husband reading to her as you brushed her hair. He couldn't help the tears that welled in his eyes, he wanted that with you. He wanted to love that little girl, have his own little lost girl.

She had your husbands black hair, and your eyes. She even had your smile.

You and your husband gently tucked her into the covers, then the two of you walked out of her bedroom.

He saw a light turn on on the other side of the apartment, he quickly flew over and found you and your husband laughing.

He leaned in and kissed your cheek, Pan felt the pang of jealousy and anger rush through his heart.

And it's all your fault that you're feeling this way. His inner demon spoke as he leaned against the billboard he was perched on.

Your husband had returned to bed as you sorted through some random papers on your coffee table. He saw the window open and he took his chance.

He slid into your home and spoke softly, "Y/N?"

You froze, you turned to Peter, your hands trembling. "P-Peter?"

"Hi, Lost Girl." He said gently, he watched one of your tears fall. You still looked beautiful to him. Sure, you had aged but you aged like fine wine.

"What in the hell are you doing here?" You whispered angrily, praying that your husband wouldn't wake up.

"I'm sorry I just..." his words faded. "I just needed to see you."
"Tell me to leave and I'll leave, just let me say one thing?"

You nodded, he took a deep breath and continued, "Y/N, I never stopped loving you. You were my everything, my light, my heart. I'm so sorry I let my magic loose. I love you Lost Girl. My Lioness." (A/N: Throwback to the first chapter) 

"Peter...I'm not coming back, my daughter, Aiden needs me. She needs her mother and Tommy..." you choked back your tears, "Tommy is not my first love, you were. But he healed me after I left Neverland. I thought I could never love another human being after you Peter. I slept with men and women to get over you. Then one lonely night at a bar, Tommy came in with one of the most heartbroken looks, so I paid for his dinner and we stayed up until 3 talking." You had no absolute idea as to why you were telling him all of this.

Peter let his tears run free, "Y/N..."

You swallowed, "go."

He nodded and with one final look, he flew out the window. You ran your hands over your face, wiping away the fresh tears.

Peter Pan, was an idiot, he was selfish, he was everything bad in the world.

So why did he still mean so much to you?

Wow that was depressing, but it's refreshing to write something sad sometimes. There will be a much happier chapter next (Pan is breaking all the gender rules).

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