I'm a Motherf**king Woman

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You pretty much own Neverland, the boys know to never mess with you and Peter loves having a badass by his side all the time.

When you walk into an area with like a motherfucking boss, you demand respect.

You were in the middle of a discussion with war plans with Hook,

"What I was thinking-" You started before Devin cut you off.

"Well we don't want to know what-"

You glared at him, "excuse me? I wasn't done talking..." You then continued, but Devin was new and obviously realizing how things work around here. He wasn't expecting you to actually talk back to him and blushed at being put in his place.

He didn't miss the smirk Pan threw your way when you did that either.


When you are angry, the whole island pretty much knows it. It gets gloomy and storms start racing across the sky, lightning bolts included.

Of course they worry if you are going to literally bring down the island considering you are one of the most powerful beings in the world, along side Pan.

It also doesn't help that when you are angry, Peter loves to piss you off.

"You know, you're pretty when you're angry."

"I'm pretty when I'm angry? Well get ready because I'm about to be gorgeous!"


The boys loved to tell you what to do, well when they wanted to get a rise out of you.

Currently you were on your period and upset about something (you honestly didn't remember).

"Put on your big girl panties Y/N."

"Excuse me? Big girl panties? I'm gonna put my ass kicking boots and head out commando."


Pan says a lot of these to you, but this one really stood out to you.

"Love, you are a goddess, and once you know what that truly means, I pray for anyone who tries to hurt you and anyone you love." (cred to google for this wise ass shit)


To the boys, you gave some of the most sour advice.

Which just meant that it was good advice, but you never sugarcoated it.

One of the boys was having a difficult time adapting to the island, today he had to kill a pirate, but he had saved you from the pirate with Dreamshade that was about to kill you. For that, Peter and the other boys were eternally grateful, as were you, but he was hurting, that much you could tell.

You had found him sitting on the beach hiding from the others, he was just staring at the crystal blue water,

"Hey dude." You said gently sitting next time.

"Hi Y/N," He said, he quickly wiped his tears.

"You don't need to hide your emotions here babe."

He looked at you confused, you quickly explained, "I call every Lost Boy babe, it's kinda what I do."

He laughed, "okay do I call you mom now?"

You shrugged, "If you want, the younger boys do."

"And the older ones?"

"I get Y/N, and one kid used to call me Auntie, which was weird not gonna lie, but you can call me whatever is comfortable for you."

"I think I'll stick with Mom, I've never had a Mom."

"Well you have one now, you wanna tell me what's been bugging you?"

"I didn't mind killing that Pirate," he blurted, "he was going to hurt you and I didn't even think, I just did."

"Not to sound conceited or anything, but maybe it's because he was going to hurt me?"

"Maybe, but isn't that fucked up?"

"Well everyone's fucked up kid, I mean look at Pan and I. All you have to do is decide how fucked up you really are." You shrugged.

"You mean it's okay that I'm like this?"

"Honey, you were protecting someone, not just anyone either, you were protecting the only female on this island. Now I don't understand boys a lot, but you should be feeling like a knight in shining armor right about now." You said, you were trying to lighten the mood and make him laugh.

You succeeded.

You had realized your purpose on the island that night, you were supposed to help them, be a mother, be a wife of some sort to Peter.

You were perfectly content with that.

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