"Mothering" The Boys

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In this, you are the mother figure, but you're not the typical one from all the fanfictions. The first two are from the "Why Pan Loves You" preference.

1. You don't cook or clean for them unless they're young. The older ones can take care of themselves, but some do need help. You teach them how to do things for themselves, Felix LOVES to cook.

Pan loves how you teach them, you don't do things for them, you teach them how to do things that they'll eventually need to learn.

2. You are the biggest mama bear, you're there for your boys and you try to protect them as best you can. No one messes with your cubs.

3. The younger ones call you "Mom" or "Mommy" (depending on how young), the older ones either call you "Y/N", "Mother", or "Mom".

4. You make sure all the boys are safe and healthy, you can't help it, the mama bear comes out when one of your cubs are hurt.

5. One of your famous lines is, "don't mess with me horseshit!" You mostly say that to Peter. But Felix gets that too.

6. You help the new boys get used to the island, but they are "initiated" into the routine the same way the others were.

7. The boys are scared of you when you're mad, you start using a language that they aren't familiar with (Spanish) and call them by their middle names (if they have one). If they don't, well, they're name is said very viciously.

8. Somehow, Pan picked up on your spanish and mocks you behind your back. When you found out about it, you started speaking Latin, which is technically a dead language, so he can't learn it. He also can't pronounce the words correctly so it sounds like gibberish.

9. Another famous line, "fucking fight me." 

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