About The Boy

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The things you say to Pan to show your love:

- "Sweetie, your Leprechaun self is showing."

- "Get some rest, I'll do night watch."

- "Your hair looks good babe." *cue his blushing*

- "Babe go to bed, seriously, you're starting to get that eyelid twitch I get when Felix talks too much." (obviously you're kidding... well most of the time)


You once gave him a bouquet of flowers (because seriously fuck gender roles). You've never seen him get that flustered and cute before. Especially when you handed them to him while saying, "for my Mr. Loverboy."


When he has a rough day, you're the big spoon. He doesn't get bad days often but he still has them and needs you to help him through it. He typically lays his head on your chest (because your boobs are soft, his words not yours), you will run your fingers through his hair and press the occasional kisses to his head. He will always fall asleep and you won't have the heart to wake him so you're stuck like that.


Most of the time his nightmares are about losing you, whenever that happens you usually wake up to him having little arm spasms and hitting you on accident. You wake him up and he immediately curled up into your arms.

His head was positioned on your heartbeat, usually that's all he needs. He just needs to know you're alive and feel it for himself.


When new Lost Boys arrive, you make sure they know for a fact that you are taken. It's just the basic rule because at the end of the day, he loves you and wouldn't trade you for the world.

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