Love A Girl Right

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If I have any youngins reading this (under 15) DO NOT READ THIS. DESCRIPTIONS AND HARSHNESS WITH WORDS AND JUST IT'S BLUNT AS FUCK. (don't google the sex position that is mentioned in this)

But I doubt you'll listen to that warning but I will not be blamed for ruined innocence.

You knew letting Peter date one of your friends was a bad decisions.

But he allowed Lost Girls and you were the leader, well he's dating one of your girls. But she is a goddess in a woman and frankly you don't blame him for being attracted to her.

He was such a dumbass.

He had no fucking idea of the amazing woman that was in front of him, he didn't notice, he didn't even fucking realize that all she cares about is making him happy.

She came to your tent crying, when she passed out from chocolate and fuzzy blankets (your magic kept your tent heated and cozy on cold nights). You decided to have a talk with the ass hat.

You ran to the lost boy camp. You found Peter, he greeted you with a reluctant smile at the anger that simmered in your face.

"Tent. Now." Was all you said as you stormed into his tent with him following.

"When a girl says she loves you, that she trusts you with her heart, you do not go and fuck another girl!" You spun on him.

"No, what the hell is wrong with you?!" You hissed, you pushed him back. "Dee, loved you." You said, on the brink of tears, "and you broke her heart."

"I didn't mean to, it was an accident!"

"How do you accidentally fall into a girls vagina, Pan?" You said, your irritation snapping into two.

He winced at your brashness, but you didn't care. "How do you accidentally end up in reverse cowgirl?!" You took a step forward, "and how do you accidentally do this in the tent that you guys share?"

He looked down in shame. "I know."

"She doesn't wanna see you." You shook your head, "ever."

"I messed up." He said pathetically.

"In the worst way possible." You began to walk out then you turned to face him, "don't think for a fucking second that you get to be mopey about this break up, you don't." You met his green eyes, "you love her right, or I will." Were your final words before you flashed out into the forest.

You walked back to your camp. Your blood firey in your veins.

You shouldn't of cared as much as you did, but your friend was crying because of him. Your stomach sank at your last words to him, you let your crush on her slip. If he knows, you have to tell her or he will, thus ruining one of the best friendships you've ever had, and the first girl you ever loved.

You were dreading even coming back to that tent in fear he beat you to her, but you had to go.

When you got back, she was up and cuddled into the couch, reading one of your books.

"Did you go to scold him?" She asked timidly. She shut the book and set it on the coffee table, she curled up on the couch facing you.

"How mad would you be if I did?" You asked sliding your boots off.

Your tent was nice, there was a mat all throughout it that kept dirt and stuff from getting anywhere.

"None at all," she said, shaking her head, "I didn't know you had all these lgbt books." She pointed to the book on your coffee table.
"Well when you're barely represented in media, you collect what you can get and you hold onto those." You said walking towards her.

"Hm." She said.
"What?" You asked sitting next to her.
"How did you know you were bisexual?" She asked.

You smiled, "when I started realizing how beautiful women were."

"What were your thoughts?"

"Honestly?" You asked, you reached to the tiny chest by the couch-futon-thing, you grabbed two flasks and gave it to her.

You didn't miss how when you stretched back, her eyes were glued to your breasts straining through your shirt. You quickly warmed under her gaze and a new feeling blossomed in your stomach.

"Yeah," she said gripping the cool metal of the container. She took a sip and then set it on the ground with the lid on it.

"So when I was in the mortal lands, whenever there would be a romance scene, I started to stop imagining myself as the girl in the story, instead I took the man's place." You looked down, causing a strand of hair to fall in your face.

Dee reached out and pushed the strand back behind your ear, you looked towards her and her hand cupped your cheek gently. "Can I kiss you, Y/N?" She whispered.

You nodded, you were afraid that if you spoke, a garbled mess would come out. Her soft pink lips met yours and you sighed, you clasped the flask shut, you dropped it on the floor and gripped her waist.

She moaned at the contact, at that moan you pulled away, "Dee?"

"What? Did I do something wrong?" She asked worried.
"You just broke up with Peter, I don't want to be a rebound." You said, you knew you were ruining something, either your remaining friendship with Peter, or with Dee.

At this point, which one would you rather prefer?

"You are not a rebound, I've had feelings for months and I felt guilty because of Peter and then when I walked in that room, I realized you'd never treat me like that." She said, "you've always been there for me, you've never hurt me."
"I never will."

"I've always been bisexual, but you're the first woman that's ever awakened anything." Her soft voice confessed as she gripped your hand gently. "I didn't even think about the possibility of us, because that would be defined as cheating. A. I don't want to be giving into that horrible bisexual cheating bullshit, B. I don't want to be classified as a cheater."

Her warm eyes made your heart sore, you kissed her and she melted into you. You two spent the night together in the warmth of your tent, wrapped in the each others arms. Your last words to Peter rang in your head:

You love her right, or I will

And you would, until the end of your days.

bet y'all didn't expect that huh?

Anyway, I'm surprised i even got anything up, i haven't been feeling great mentally.

Everything is just a goddamned struggle these days.

also i just want to let you guys know how much i love all of you. a friend of mine attempted suicide which is the reason i'm writing this note.

i love every single one of you, if you ever feel alone i promise you, you are not alone. i'm here, the lost family is always here for you. just please reach out to me if you need anything. 💜💜

Anyway, I'll have a chapter up next sunday 💜

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