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Pan needed a mother. A mother for his Lost Boys, they are starting to become more barbaric. He needed someone who would be a good leader but still a sweetheart. So he went to the human world.

He was walking down the streets looking around at the scenery. He scrunched his nose at the people in cars as he walked to the nearest school. He needed a young woman who obviously looked his age, well, the age he was appearing to be.

He made his way to an elementary school, he was expecting to find some teenagers doing work there or something.

He saw a beautiful young woman with H/C hair and her figure was beautiful as well. He watched her for a little while.

She was playing with some young boys about the age of ten, they were laughing with her as she made silly faces at the youngest. He saw a boy about your age walk over to you, he started playing with the children.

He could hear the child's giggles from where he was standing, even though he'd never admit it out loud, it was adorable.

What he thought to be the children's parents came over to you and the older boy. They handed you both pieces of green paper, they took the children to away and you and the boy laughed.

You both walked towards the thicket of woods and went in. He followed, immediately worried for your safety.

He managed to follow closely behind without you seeing him, he overheard you and this boy's conversation.

"So Y/N, do you want to go eat dinner at Shelly's with me?" There was hope embedded in his voice.

"Not really, I kind of just want to go home, I-I'm not feeling well." You stuttered and Pan raised his eyebrow even though you couldn't even see him. But he luckily was able to catch your name. Y/N.

It was beautiful, more beautiful than a name should be, and frankly he found it a little weird he found a name to be beautiful. But it was.

"What're you going to do? Watch Peter Pan for the thousandth time?" The boy said in a teasing tone. Pan scrunched up his nose at the idea of someone watching him.

"Hey, Peter Pan is a cute little guy, even you have to admit that Mr. afraid-to-like-cartoons-because-of-my-fragile-masculinity." You laughed.

Cartoons? Cute? You really were looney, he liked it but was also weary of that.

"Hey! I just don't like watching a little kid in tights, being a dork." Tights? Dork?

They were coming up on a little townhouse.

"Than how do you look in the mirror?" You two stopped, and he had to too, or else he'd look suspicious considering you were in the backyard of this house.

"Okay you are now my least favorite person." He chuckled and hugged you.

"Love you too B." You laughed. You both pulled away and he said it back. He walked around the house as you went in.

You were interesting.



You had just taken all your makeup off and finally sat down to read a good book. In a way, you wished you went with Brendon to Shelly's diner, but you were also glad you didn't.

You just didn't feel great, you felt... lost. You shouldn't feel that way, you were an exceptional student,  you definitely had a good future ahead, you just didn't want to be in your little old town anymore.

"Well this is exciting," you heard a english voice say by the window of your room. He had brown hair and a semi tall figure, he wore a lot of green and had a smirk on his face.

You shot up from the lounge chair in fear, "who the hell are you?"

"You didn't use that language talking to those little boys now did you?" He smirked and you shot out at him, hitting him with your hardcover book.

"Are you stalking me? What the fuck?" While you kept hitting him, he kept saying "ow".

He finally pushed you off, "bloody hell woman!"

"Were. You. Stalking. Me?" You gritted out, clutching the book so hard your knuckles turned white.

"I'm not stalking just simply observing," He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Like there's a difference?"

"There is, I just don't know what it is."

"Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Peter Pan,"

You scoffed, "yeah, and I'm Wendy Darling."

"See! You should believe me if you know that she-demon. I really am him."

You crossed your arms, "Peter Pan is a fictional character! He wears a lot of green and tights. He's a ginger, and a little boy, he's dorky and weird."

He quirked his eyebrow, "you actually believe in that guy?"

"If I didn't believe where would you be?"

He did a little eyebrow dance, "fair enough. But watch this." And with that he jumped out your window.

You ran towards but then you saw him flying, "holy Jesus in a Manger with Mother Mary." You whispered at the boy.

"Now do you believe me," he sat on your windowsill.

"I guess I kind of have to don't I?"

"Kind of." He laughed and stood in front of you.

"I'm here because of one reason, I need someone to mother the lost boys and be my wife, the Queen of Neverland."

"I don't know," you shook your head, immediately regretting it because his face fell with sadness.

"Love, you said it yourself, you felt lost here. The way you played with those boys proved to me that you had patience, and you swearing and hitting me proved that you had fire, I like fire."

You giggled, he continued, "you have a heart of gold, you can help us become less barbaric and you have a beautiful soul."

"You don't even know me."

"I know enough, we all have darkness inside us. I know you do too, that will be useful."

You had to think about it for a little bit, "I'll go, on one condition."

His smile could make the stars jealous, "yeah?"

"I will not cook or clean, I will teach those boys and you. I won't be a maid, and I get to do whatever I want."


With that, he wrapped his arm around your waist and took off towards Neverland for an awfully big adventure.

So my phone kinda fried on Sunday😂
I lost one shot ideas but luckily it was only two that I was writing on my laptop so they're safe!😂

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