Levi's Return

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Levi was carrying the food as he walked up to Eren's room. 'I hope they are done talking I don't want to disrupt them.' Levi thought as he turned down the hall where Eren's room was. He walked up to the door and hear talking. He decided to listen to see if it was important or not, if it was important then he would wait down the hall to give them some privacy.

Eren spoke and Levi froze, "Relationships are poison." Is what Levi heard from his lover. He immediately felt his heart break and his body wanted to just collapse where he was. 'How could Eren say that? There must be a reason, there has to be.' Levi told himself as he continued to listen in, but he felt his eye start to sting.

He heard Everything and he didn't know whether to feel relieved or terrified when Eren said that Levi was the one to change his views on relationships. 'That means all of his hopes rest on me.' Levi thought scared he was going to mess something up.

After a little the room went quiet. Levi had tried to hide his emotions behind a wall. He turned the corner and knocked on the door getting both of their attention. "Food's here." He said with a false smile that Eren could see straight threw.

In that moment he had realized Levi had heard, he didn't know how much he had heard but he figured it was everything.

Eren teared up for a moment and Levi set the food down before running over to Eren.

"I'm so sorry, you heard, you heard everything." Eren said putting his hands up to cover his face. He was shaking and started to have a mini panic attack. He never wanted Levi to hear that, any of it.

Levi threw his arms around him. "Hey, it's okay, Eren it's okay." Levi said trying to calm his lover down. He never thought anyone could see through the wall he put up, but Eren just did.

"It's not okay I should have kept my mouth shut." Eren said with jagged breathing.

Levi pulled him close and rubbed his back. "It's okay Eren." Levi repeated over and over.

Eren couldn't resist the urge to pull his hands away from his face and put them around Levi. He buried his face in the crook of Levi's neck as Levi held him close.

"Eren I want to know when you feel like this, I want to know when something's wrong." Levi said rubbing Eren's back.

Eren eventually stopped shaking and his crying ceased, but Levi still held him like his life depended on it.

Mikasa wasn't sure what to do she just sat there awkwardly wanting to help but feeling like they needed some time alone. She got up and met Levi's eyes. 'I'm going to the bathroom.' She mouthed to him before exiting giving them the time they need to talk.

Eren had managed to calm himself down. He was holding Levi as tight as he could afraid, almost like he thought he was going to lose him.

"I'm not going anywhere Eren." Levi said noticing how Eren was holding him. "I'll stay by your side until the end." He said bringing his hand up to the back of Eren's head. Levi ran his fingers through his hair in a comforting motion.

Eren pulled away from Levi's embrace and looked Levi in the eyes. "I'm so sorry Levi." Eren couldn't say more than that because Levi silenced him with a kiss.

"You don't need to apologize Eren, just next time tell me what your feeling. You know I will always listen. You said earlier that you just wanted me to be happy, well my happiness comes from you and your happiness. Never think of yourself as poison, you are far from it. Eren you are my cure." Levi said hugging him tightly.

Eren pulled away again and Levi's face was worried until he leaned forward kissing him passionately.

Levi closed his eyes and kissed Eren back.

After a few minutes of talking through it they decided to get Mikasa who they could only assume was down the hallway or by the vending machines.

Eren waited as Levi found her, sure enough she was at the vending machines staring awkwardly at the wall waiting for the okay.

Levi explained to Mikasa what happened and that Eren is okay now while they were on their way back to the hospital room.

When they walked in they met Erens waiting gaze. "Who's hungry?" Eren asked pointing to the food that Levi had brought in.

Levi grabbed the bags and distributed the food to everyone but left a bag off to the side that was still filled with items. Mikasa was a little confused but just shrugged. Eren looked at Levi and smiled happy to know that Levi did what he asked.  

Don't You Trust MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora