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"So what's this plan you were talking about?" "Mikasa came up with a plan that lets me stay here for the next day or two maybe even three if we try hard enough. That is if it's okay with you." "That would be amazing. Of course it's okay with me I would love to have you. So what's the plan."

After Eren finished explaining the plan to Levi, he asked. "Your thoughts." "Sounds like a good plan. I'm in." Eren smiled. "Hey maybe we could watch death note the whole time?" Eren asked eagerly. "On one condition." "What is that?" "You bake with me." "Okay, but you're going to make sure I don't screw anything up." "I'm okay with that." Levi smiled.

Eren was still sitting in Levi's lap. They had talked for a while about their plans for the days to come. Eren rested his head up against Levi's shoulder and let out a yawn. "It's time for bed." Levi said looking at Eren struggling to keep his eyes open. "But I'm not tired." Eren said letting out another yawn. Levi faked a sneeze. "Sorry I'm allergic to bullshit." Levi said rolling his eyes. "I swear sometimes you're like a child." "You're one to talk, Mr. Sarcastic." Levi chuckled and slid his arms under Eren's butt and lifted him up. Eren just rolled his eyes but he wrapped his arms around Levi's neck and his legs around his waist keeping him in place. He was way too tired to argue about Levi carrying him up the stairs, though he would never admit it.

They made it up the stairs and Levi laid Eren down on the bed. "I'm going to change." Levi said noticing he was still in the blood stained clothes from earlier. He went to his closet and grabbed his clothes before going to the bathroom and quickly changed into some sweats. He didn't even bother to put a shirt on. He looked at the blood stains on the clothes. He threw them in the hamper. 'I'll clean them tomorrow.' He thought as he walked back out of the bathroom. He expected to see Eren asleep but he was still sitting up waiting for him, "Are you coming to bed?" Eren asked with tears in his eyes from yawning to much. "You waited for me?" Levi said with a small smile creeping onto his face. Eren nodded and blushed a bit."

Levi crawled into bed and under the covers. Eren scooted closer to him. Levi just pulled the boy as close as he could. Eren was a little shocked at first but then let out a little giggle. He then placed his head on Levi's chest and wrapped his arms around Levi's waist. Levi wrapped one arm around Eren's waist and the other went behind the boy's head where he played with his hair. They tangled their legs together. Before Levi knew it Eren had fallen asleep on Levi's chest. "See you in the morning my love." Levi said placing a kiss on Eren's forehead, before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep himself. He still held Eren close to him as he slept.  

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