Touching Reunion

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Levi woke up well rested from the best sleep he had gotten in day's. Knowing Eren was safe was enough to help his restless nights turn peaceful. He sat up his eye's meeting the green ones in front of him that he longed for. "Good morning." Eren said with a bright smile that was contagious. "Or should I say good afternoon?" He said with a chuckle and a tilt of the head.

Levi's head shot up and looked at the empty chair where Mikasa was the night before. "Who took her to school?" He asked panicked as that was his job.

"She didn't want to bother you so she called Annie." Eren said laughing. "I'm glad she did, you needed your sleep, and it looked like even if we tried to wake you, you wouldn't wake up. You were sleeping very heavily." Eren said putting his hand under Levi's chin making Levi look at him. Eren quickly examined Levi's face and then gave him a quick smile. "The bags under your eyes seem to be less defined than yesterday."

Levi wanted to say a sarcastic remark but when he opened his mouth all that came out was an "I love you." Levi's eyes were locked with Eren's he seemed hypnotized by them, frozen in place with the overwhelming feeling to hold his lover to make up for the few days he lost.

Eren smiled and gave Levi a quick peck on the lips. "I love you too."

Levi wrapped his arms around his lover and put his head in the crook of his neck, being careful not to hurt him. He inhaled breathing in his lovers scent. "I missed you." He breathed, "I was so lost without you."

Eren held Levi tightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Eren said as he started to run his fingers through Levi's hair. He felt Levi's shoulder's shaking up and down.

"You aren't the one who should be sorry, you did nothing wrong. It's my fault. I sent you back into that house. I gave you false security, false hope. I filled your head with lies." Levi said as his built up emotions started to slip from his control.

"It's not your fault Levi, you can't blame yourself for what my father did." Eren said with concern. "Look I know that you aren't going to listen to what I'm saying about this, but please just believe me when I say I don't blame you for anything." Eren said holding his lover and kissing the top of his head to calm his nerves.

Levi shook his head. "No, you're right. This time I'm gonna listen to you." Levi said giving him a smile. He kept his face buried in the boy's chest as he continued to calm his emotions down. He was careful to not squeeze the boy to hard in order not to hurt his body in its fragile state.

A few minutes passed and Eren was still petting Levi's head. He had noticed that his normally well kept boyfriend was in a messy state, both physically and mentally. His thoughts were cluttered and his brain overflowing with scenarios. His hair was unbrushed and tangled His clothes the same one from the day before crinkled and wrinkled.   

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