I'm Here for You

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Eren told Levi everything. Levi listened to every word. He sat by his side rubbing his back and comforting him. Occasionally reminding him that he is safe right now.

When Eren finished talking levi pulled him into tight reassuring hug. To Eren and Levi the hug seemed to last no longer then a few seconds, but in actuality it lasted for just over five minutes. When the hug broke off Levi wiped Eren's tears away then planted a kiss on his forehead. Levi looked at Eren's arm. "Show me". Eren silently nodded before sliding up his sleeve. Levi gently took Eren's arm in his hand. He started to examine it for a minute. He looked at all the new cuts before placing kisses on all the new cuts. Eren was a bit shocked at Levi's reaction. "You're not angry"? "Of course I'm not angry, but I am sad. I'm sad that you didn't come to me for help first". "I was afraid that I was going to wake you up"."Why didn't you, please Eren I don't mind if you wake me up". "You don't"? "No I just want to help you. Don't you trust me"?

They talked for the rest of lunch and occasionally would give the other a peck on the lips.

*The bell rang*

They had finished cleaning up the trash from their lunch. Eren began packing up his backpack. "Are we still on for tonight"? Levi questioned. " only if you still want to". "Of course I do brat". Levi said walking over to Eren and pulling him into a kiss. "You should hurry or you will be late to your next class".

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