Longest Class Ever

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The ambulance arrived and they loaded Hanji inside. "Levi if you want to go with her I'll take over your class for you." Erwin offered as he saw how worried Levi was about Hanji. Levi thought about it for a moment before he answered. He saw Eren shaking from the corner of his eye, he looked just as traumatized as himself. "I can't I have a class to teach, but as soon as it's over I'm leaving." Levi said restraining his emotions to refrain from saying yes. Erwin nodded and went back to work, not that he'd be able to get much done with how badly his hands seemed to be shaking. The ambulance drove away and the two made their way back to Levi's class. "Levi, why didn't you go with her?" Eren whispered as they opened the quiet classroom. "Because I know you want to go too. I can see you're just as worried as I am, so after class we'll go together." Levi said closing the door. He hugged Eren tightly. Levi was silent, but Eren could feel his body shaking in his embrace. He felt a drip of water fall on his neck. Levi was crying, even though he was trying so hard to stay strong and keep his cool, but nothing seemed to be working.

"Eren, I can't lose her too. I take back everything I've ever said." Levi said quietly in jagged breaths as he buried his face in Eren's neck for a sense of security. "You won't lose Hanji. She's a fighter, she will be okay." Eren said rubbing Levi's back. He didn't know if he was trying to convince Levi, or himself. "Eren?" "Yes?" "Do you think my dream was warning me?" Levi asked in a frightened tone. "It's a possibility." Eren said. "I should have warned her." Levi said as guilt washed over him. "You couldn't have known, Levi it's not your fault. Levi you can't blame yourself for this." Eren said hugging Levi tighter. "You're right." Levi said wiping his eyes. "We just need to tried to finish this day." Levi said taking a deep breath trying to calm down. "First we need to wipe away your tears. You don't want your students to see that you actually have emotions." Eren said teasing Levi to try and lighten his mood. "You're right, those little shits would never respect me again." Levi said smiling and going along with it.

Eren wiped Levi's eyes and gave him a peck on the forehead. "Can you tell I've been crying?" Levi asked looking into Eren's eyes. "No, your cheeks are just a little red but that's it, it should go away by the time class starts." Eren said as he heard the bell ring. The students filed in. Some were laughing and giggling, others were still out of breath from the activities in gym class. Once they took one look at Mr. Rivaille the room went silent. Levi had a death glare, it was worse than his normal one. He looked pissed, but it was just a mask as he was trying to hide his emotions. "Class is starting." Levi said getting everyone's attention. "Work on any homework you have." Levi stated before turning on some calming music and sitting at his desk.

Class seemed to drag on forever. Levi and Eren had exchanged several glances to each other as if to ask 'how are you holding up?' "Class dismissed." Levi announced and everyone practically ran out of the class ready to start their weekends. Levi immediately grabbed his things and Eren did the same. They locked the class not bothering to clean anything. They ran to Levi's car and jumped in. They quickly made their way to the hospital. Levi got flipped off a few times along the way. Eren on the other hand was busy praying they didn't die, but he never dared to tell Levi to slow down. worry was consuming both of them and they felt sick to their stomachs from the wait of just knowing her condition. Once they reached the hospital they ran straight in, they were going so fast Levi almost forgot to lock the car. "I'm looking for a Hanji Zoe." Levi asked as the lady at the counter sat there texting. "One minute please." The woman said continuing to text.

Levi grabbed her phone out of her hand and slammed it on the counter, not enough to break the screen but enough to get her attention. "What the he-." The ladies voice cut off when her eyes meet Levi's. If looks could kill she would have died a brutal, painful death. "Hanji Zoe, what room is she in?" Levi growled with venom in his voice. She quickly typed in the information on the computer. "Room 376." She whispered. Levi stormed off heading towards the room with Eren following him like a lost puppy. She remained frozen in fear even after he left with her life flashing before her eyes. Levi made his way to the room and stepped in the doorway of room 376.  

Don't You Trust MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora