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Levi walked into the empty bathroom and walked straight to the sink. He turned on the cold water and splashed it on his face. "Am I losing it?" Levi asked himself as he looked into the mirror. He thought of his flashback he had in Hanji's room. 'So much blood, the war was so bloody, and for what? For a minor pissing match between countries with little conflicts that our government should be dealing with.' Levi's thoughts roamed to an image of the war that was and will forever be engraved in Levi's brain, never to be removed. It was of a little boy, he couldn't have been older than six. He had a hole in his knee, most likely from a bullet, and he was sitting next to a corpse on the ground. The boy was cradling something and he seemed to be sobbing. When Levi had gotten a tad closer he had realized exactly what was happening. The boy was sitting next to a corpse of a woman, as he cried Levi could make out what the boy was saying and what exactly was in his arms. The boy was cradling the head that appeared to have been blown off the corpse. He kept mumbling over and over begging for her to wake up.

Levi shook his head when he heard the bathroom door open throwing him back into reality. He caught a glimpse of his reflection before his eyes looked at the reflection of the man walking up behind him. Levi had tears in his eyes and a few had ran down his face. "Hey buddy, you look like you've had a rough day." The man said walking up to Levi with bright eyes and a sweet smile. He put his hand on Levi's shoulder. "I don't know what you are going through, but trust me it gets better." The man said squeezing Levi's shoulder in a comforting gesture, and gave him a sympathetic smile before removing his hand from Levi's shoulder. "Thanks." Levi said before drying his hands and face. He nodded gratefully to the man, and left the restroom.

Levi headed over to the vending machine and grabbed some snacks for him, Eren, and Hanji. He took a deep breath before deciding to head back to Hanji's room. He first felt under his eyes to make sure all of his tears were gone before he proceeded. He had already made sure that his eyes were no longer puffy and that his nose was no longer red from crying in the bathroom. He was glancing in each room as he walked back to Hanji's. He took a glance in a room and stopped dead in his tracks.

In the room was the man from the bathroom. He was sitting next to an unconscious little girl. He seemed to be reading something. A children's book? The girl looked as if she was five or possibly four. One of the nurses who was walking out of the room had noticed Levi. "Can I help you?" She asked politely. "Oh, I was wondering what happened to that little girl?" Levi asked, but he wasn't really expecting the nurse to answer him. "She got hit by a car about a month back. It was a drive-by. Drunk driver ran her over while she was playing on the sidewalk. She's been in a coma ever since. She was diagnosed brain dead from the start but her father refuse to give up on her. He comes here everyday after he gets off work and reads to her a different story every time." The nurse said sadly. "Look I'm not really supposed to disclose this information, but you seem like you recognize them. Are you friends with the father?" The nurse asked looking at Levi. "Well I was talking to him earlier." Is all Levi could manage to say. "Alright well I hope I was able to be useful." The nurse said before returning to her work. Levi watched for a minute as the man finished reading. He placed the book on the table next to the bed, and he leaned over and kissed the girl on her forehead. Tears had began to fall from the man's eyes as he sat back down and held his little girl's hand. "Daddy loves you."  

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