Snap Out of It

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Mikasa handed Levi the bandages she looked at Eren and seen his face  was still buried in Levi's chest, but she could see half of his face. It was enough to bring tears back into her eyes. Eren's eyes were wide and he seemed to be mumbling something over and over. There was panic in his voice and fear in his eyes. She looked at Levi who seemed to be confused of what he was saying. She couldn't tell whether it was because he couldn't understand him, or that he didn't know why he was saying it. 'This is the first time I've seen Eren like this. Something truly devastating must have happened for Eren to be this traumatized. Could they have threatened him?' Mikasa looked into Levi's eyes to see how he was feeling about all this. At that moment she seen how broken he looked. 'This man really does love my brother.'

Levi brought his hands up to Eren's face. The boy flinched and Levi paused for a moment. He then proceeded cautiously. "Eren, I will never hurt you." Levi whispered with sincerity before placing his hands on Eren's face. He cupped the boy's cheeks and lifted his head up. "Eren look at me, Eren please." Levi said trying to get Eren to snap out of whatever trance he was in. Eren looked up and into Levi's eyes. Levi watched as a wave of relief washed over Eren and his panicking seemed to stop. 

"Eren I need to finish bandaging your arms." Eren nodded and moved his arms in front of Levi. Levi finished disinfecting the rest of the wounds and Eren cringed at the burning sensation. He then bandaged Eren's arms. "You're really good at all this." Mikasa said taking notice of how neatly Levi wrapped the bandages, and how he knew exactly what to do. "I should be, I've had a lot of practice." Levi said in a serious tone not looking at the confused girl. the wheels in her head began to turn at his response. Eren went to stand up but his legs were giving out, both from the blood loss and from how sore his body was from the events from earlier. Mikasa held out her hand and he took it. She helped him to his feet and over to the bed so he could sit down. Mikasa then offered Levi a hand before he could get up on his own. He took the offer and she helped him up, but instead of releasing his arm she rolled up his shirt sleeve. Levi really didn't mind nor did he seemed shocked at the curious teenager's behavior. After seeing  the scars that littered his arm she seemed satisfied, and rolled his sleeve back down and released his arm. "Like I said, I've had a lot of practice." Levi said avoiding her gaze, before sitting next to Eren on his bed to talk to him. 

"Eren what happened?" "Nothing." "Obviously something happened, and by the look of it it was something really terrible." "Levi can we not talk about it right now, I'll tell you later I promise." My head just needs a break." Levi nodded and Mikasa seemed to agree. Mikasa offered to get everyone a glass of water to calm down. She walked down the stairs and quietly walked passed the living room, where her dad was still passed out. She filled up three glasses of water and began to make her way back passed the living room. This time she decided to poke her head in. Her dad was passed out, and by the way it looked he probably wouldn't wake up until noon the next day. Mikasa smiled as an idea popped into her head. She quickly went back to Eren's room to share her idea.

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