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"Hey you're here early for once." "Yeah, Jean dropped me off." "I'm sorry repeat that, I thought you said horse face dropped you off." Levi said chuckling in disbelief. "I did. He noticed me limping to school and he picked me up." "That doesn't sound like him. What is he trying to make amends?" "Why would he need to make amends? If anyone it should be me." " What do you mean?" "Me and jean used to be best friends. Well until I pushed him away. It's my fault he hates me, and I don't blame him I would hate me to." "Eren obviously he doesn't hate you. It sounds like he's trying to be friends again. He's trying to be nice. You should give him a chance especially sense you feel bad. I'm sure he forgave you already." "Okay. I will. Thanks Levi, you always know what to say. Oh, you know how he wanted to talk to me." "Yeah." "Well I volunteered your classroom. So you can keep an eye on us. Also I feel more comfortable with you there. Is that okay?" "That's fine." "Just don't act like your eavesdropping. Alright?" "No promises. You know how nosey I can be." Levi laughed.

Levi walked over and looked down the hall. When he saw that it was empty he closed and locked the door. Levi walked over to the desk Eren at. He wrapped his arms around him pulling him into a kiss. Soon it because deeper and more passionate.

A little while later Levi pulled away from the kiss. "We have to be careful. Principal Erwin sometimes checks in on me around this time." Erwin office was only a few doors down from Levi's. "Oh, shit." Levi said as he jumped up realizing the clock in his room was a bit off on the time. "He should be here any minute." Levi started walking towards the door. "Eren get out a book and pretend to study." Eren did as he was told. Levi unlocked the door and opened it. He then walked over and say in a seat facing Eren. As soon as he sat down he seen Erwin turn the corner. 'Just in time' Levi thought. Erwin poked his head in the room. "Hello Eren. What are you doing here this early, and what are you to up to?" 'Shit, Eren's terrible at lying.' Levi thought starting to panic but not showing it.

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