Special Delivery

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Levi laughed at Eren's blank and confused expression before standing up and stretching. "You hungry?" He asked checking his phone for the time.

"Yeah, I could go for some food." Eren said feeling his stomach rumble at the thought.

"What would you like me to grab today, anything in particular?" Levi asked as he looked at his phone checking the nearest restaurants and fast food places around.

Eren shrugged, he had an idea in mind but didn't want to limit Levi's choices for food. Not only that he didn't want Levi to have to go out of his way to pic him up some food.

"Come on, I know you now something, it's almost lunch time and we are both hungry, I know I'll eat just about anything." Levi said sitting back down on the bed trying to get Eren to tell him what he wanted.

"Well there is this one place I had in mind." Eren said rubbing the back of his neck hesitant to share the answer.

"Well spit it out." Levi said with a chuckle at how shy the boy was being. He knew Eren was feeling guilty about making him drive so he showed him a smile to say that he didn't mind.

"Well I was kinda craving Chinese food, you know from that one place where you got the fortune cookies." Eren said as blush flushed across his cheeks as he remembered that night.

"Say no more your wish is my command." Levi said with a chuckle and a teasing little bow before pecking Eren's forehead. "I'll be back in a little bit with the food." He said before grabbing his wallet and keys.

"Thanks Levi." Eren said laughing at his nerdy actions but couldn't argue that those actions didn't make him feel special and loved. 'And he calls me the nerd.' Is all he thought snickering to himself before watching Levi walk out of the room.

He sat there in the now empty feeling room unsure of what to do until his lover returned. He sat there for a moment before grabbing his phone to try and distract his bored mind. Without Levi there with him things just weren't the same.

It didn't take long for Levi to make it to the little restaurant. He made his way to the take out section and proceeded with the order. After placing the normal order he couldn't help himself but request another special made fortune cookie. He knew there would be no surprise this time as Eren would probably expect Levi to do something like this, but he still wanted to show the boy that he loved him, even if it was through a silly little fortune cookie.

It actually didn't take them as much time as he thought it would to make his order. He made his way back to the hospital. He turned down the empty hallway heading towards Eren's room and saw that nurse that has been so helpful to them. She was sitting on the floor with her head down hidden into her knees as silent sobs could be heard if he listened close enough.

"Ms. are you alright?" He said approaching her calmly in attempt to comfort her. Levi always had a big heart and now that he's been hanging around Eren it was starting to show more, Levi's outer shell was chipping away leaving just the kind layer underneath.

"Oh, sorry I know I'm not supposed to show emotions on the job, but I couldn't help it. I'll be fine I just need a minute to push back the tears." The nurse said through an artificial smile, and watery eyes.

"It's okay to cry, what's not okay is holding your emotions in to the point you break down out of nowhere." Levi said sitting next to her on the floor in the deserted hallway. "You can talk, I'll listen." He said putting his arm on her back and rubbing his hand in a circular direction to sooth her.

"I tried so hard, I wanted to save her. I know it was impossible she was already gone, but I couldn't help it." The nurse mumbled out as she let the tears flow.

"What happened?" Levi asked hoping that knowing what she was talking about would help him comfort her.

"There was this little girl. We had to pull the plug today, and for some reason I was still hoping that she would wake up even though she was brain dead. I should have known better, but she was only thirteen. She never got a chance to live, she never got a chance to experience life, and now she never will." The nurse said through her jagged breaths and through the tears.

"Just think of it this way, you set her free. She was already gone, now she is cut loose from her suffering and this earth. She is in a better place away from the pain." Levi said pushing some of the hair out of her face and looking her in the eyes.

"I can tell you are new to this job. I won't fill your head with lies by saying it gets easier, death is never an easy thing. I can guarantee that you will never forget her face, but I can also guarantee that by remembering her you are keeping the thought of her alive. Another thing I can see is that you have a big heart, don't let this pain take that away from you. Never lose sight of who you are for the sake of others." Levi said with the honesty she needed.

"Thank you." The nurse said wiping her eyes. Levi's words helped her get her grip back. 'I'll never forget you Kennedy Jordan Gibson.' She thought trying to keep the memory of her alive.

After Levi helped her finish cleaning herself up she thanked him once again for his kindness and his comfort before she had to return to her work.

Levi made his way to Eren's room. He stopped outside the door peeking his head in slightly before knocking on the door, "Special delivery." He said making eye contact with Eren from behind his phone.

Eren almost dropped his phone being slightly startled by his lover. He smiled as Levi approached with the delicious smelling food.

"You are the best." Eren said leaning over to give Levi a peck on the lips. Levi gladly accepted leaning in to meet Eren's lips.   

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