Military Police Won't Help

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Sitting around doing nothing was killing her. Mikasa kept pacing back and forth not knowing what to do. She did this almost every night waiting for them to leave. 'What can I do, I can't stop them myself. I can't call anyone especially not the police.' "WHAT CAN I DO!" Mikasa yelled as her eyes started to tear up thinking about what Eren is going through.

The police wouldn't do anything to help. When they show up ... more like if they showed up. If they did show up, which is highly unlikely, they would end up joining into the trouble or they would just leave. By now everyone knew the police and law system was corrupt. They would push people around. They mostly just sat on their asses all day doing nothing or waiting to start trouble. Most people refused to call them. Mostly the only people who call are new to town and don't know about the police corruption, or the few people who still believe in the system. Those are the only times they get calls. Most times they will ignore it. The few times they do show up they either start trouble or join in.

Levi's mind was racing ever sense Eren hung up. 'What's happening. Somethings up. Is his dad hurting him. Did his dad's friends show up. What can I do. I can't just stand by. I can't go there. I can't even call the police.' He was getting more frustrated and angry the more he thought about the situation. "WHAT CAN I DO!"


Sorry about the short chapters. :/

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