Welcome Back

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Levi, who was normally a solitary person, was losing his mind at how quiet the room was. Oh how lonely it was sitting next to someone he loved not able to carry on a conversation. He could speak as much as he wished, but he would never get a reply.

Eren sat there on the floor and watched as Levi started to fidget. "I never thought I would see Levi this desperate for human interaction." He sighed standing up. He was tempted to put his hand on his lover's leg to steady it knowing it would do no good. Before he could do anything Mikasa had walked into the room.

"Welcome back." Levi said standing up. "How was school?" He asked politely as he felt the need to interact with someone, even if it was just talking about their day.

"It was alright, what did you do today?" She asked before her eyes landed on the detailed drawing of her brother. "I doodled a little." He said shrugging.

"A little?" She questioned gently picking up the drawing. "It's beautiful." she replied speechless.

"You really think so?" Levi said shyly tilting his head a little but keeping his eyes on Mikasa's. "Do you think Eren will like it?" Levi had sounded like a teenage school girl gawking over her crush.

"He'll love it." Mikasa said gently placing it back down on the table with a slight smile. She watched as Levi slumped back in his chair. He was fidgeting with his hands and shaking his leg. She couldn't tell if it was due to anxiety stress or something else.

She walked over to the chair that she usually sat in and pulled it around to sit next to Levi. "Is something bothering you?" She asked as she tilted her head. She wanted to help him as he had helped her.

"No, it's just-." Levi cut his voice off at the sound of the monitor. The monitor had began to change the sound of the beeps coming from it. These new ones sounded different, more... lively. Levi pressed the button that called the nurse within a minute the nurse had came running in with a worried expression glued to her face.

"What's the problem,"she asked as she made it through the doorway and next to the bed so she could help in any way they needed. She automatically started checking his vitals.

"Is the beeping supposed to sound like that?" Levi asked worried, it never changed unless Eren had panicked inside the coma making his heart race.

"That's unusual. That normally means.-" The nurse immediately shot her head up cut herself off running out of the room to get the doctor. Levi and Mikasa both looked at Eren with panic. 'What's happening.' Is all they could think. They passed each other a concerned look of panic.

Seconds later their eyes were meet with gorgeous emerald eyes. "Mr. Rivaille? Is that you?" Eren had asked with a voice so labored that it was hard to hear him at all. But Levi heard loud and clear. 'He called me Mr. Rivaille? Does he not remember?' Levi thought as he felt his heart shatter as if it had been dropped from the top of a skyscraper.  

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