Ease Dropping

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"Levi it's me Hanji, can I come in." She ask she cracked the door open and poked her head through. "Don't you have a class?" "Yeah but they are doing group work, besides I wanted to check in on you. You seemed a little out of it earlier." Hanji said walking into the room and up to where Levi was sitting. "Hanji I'm fine, go back to your class." Levi sighed. That was when Hanji put her hand up to Levi's cheek, she wiped away some tears that Levi didn't even know were there. "No you aren't, and since when did you start calling me Hanji." She said to her friend giving him a sad smile. "Get back to your class don't worry about me, last time you left them alone this long they started a fire." Levi barked at her. "Fine, but you're not off the hook. We will be discussing this later because you know I am your friend, friends don't give up on friends." Hanji said leaving practically running to her class which had already started to smell of smoke. "I just can't get a break today." Levi said laying his head on his desk.

Hanji had came back after her class ended and the minor fire was put out. She saw Levi with his head on his desk. "You wanna talk about it?" Hanji asked putting her hand on his back and rubbing it in circles to comfort him. Eren had stopped outside the open door to Levi's classroom. He heard Hanji talking and decided he didn't want to interrupt, but he wanted to know what they were talking about. When he was about to Levi for the bathroom, because he knew ease dropping was wrong, he heard Levi say something that made him glue his feet to the floor.

"There is nothing to talk about, they are dead because of me!" Levi raised his voice, it dripped with guilt as he spoke. Levi had shared almost everything with Hanji. She knew Levi's usual routine of pushing people away until he can't fight anymore, and he was on his last legs. He will give in eventually and talk to her. "You know that isn't true." Hanji sighed. "The hell you mean that isn't true? I was in charge, The counted on me. I lead them into that ambush, and I sat back and watched them die!" Levi said yelling even louder. "Levi you know there was nothing you could do! You can't blame yourself for this!" Hanji yelled silencing Levi. She almost never raised her voice like this, and she was almost never serious. She could be very scary in this state.

She let out a sigh and regained her normal poster and cooled temper. "Look sweetie, you didn't know they were there, you couldn't save them, and you can't go back and change it. The past is the past, you can't go back so don't waste your time trying. Levi, you have found someone that makes you happy right?" Hanji asked. "Yeah." Levi mumbled. "Then don't worry about the past, worry about how to spend the rest of your life with him instead of things that could never be changed." "I know but sometimes I wish they killed me instead." Levi said sighing. "HEY!" Eren yelled coming into the room.  

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