Make It Through the Day

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They locked up the house and started to head to school. "Remember to keep your jacket on and your sleeves. If any of the teachers see those bandages they are going to know and report it. If students see them they would probably tell the teachers." Levi said pulling in the car parking lot. They had got there a few minutes early, well early for Eren Levi normally gets there much earlier. He would always say since he couldn't sleep he might as well be working. "I will as long as you make sure Hanji doesn't pull them up." "I'll make sure shitty glasses leaves you alone, don't worry about her. Is there anyone else you have to worry about pulling up your sleeves?" "Not that I know of, I can't think of anyone who would do that." Eren said but in the back of his mind he felt like he was wrong. He started to doubt his answer. 'Would someone do that? If so who? There isn't anyone I really have to worry about, is there? Maybe I'm just over thinking this.' Eren just shrugged off his thoughts.

"Alright we should get going." Eren sighed, he just wanted to get the day over with. "Hang in there, only two more days until the weekend." "You mean one." "Eren today hasn't started yet, so technically there are still two more day till the weekend." "Ever heard of wishful thinking?" Eren said rolling his eyes. "You sure you don't want me to carry your backpack? You look like you're struggling." Levi said changing the subject as they walked through the main gate. "I'll be fine, it's just that Ms. Rico insisted we bring the big Math textbook." Eren said struggling to pull the bag back up as it was falling off his shoulder. Levi looked at the boy and the backpack. The backpack was so heavy the straps were starting to tear. 'How is that thing still together?' Levi couldn't take it anymore and grabbed the backpack that was already falling off Eren's shoulders. "Hey I said I don't need help." Eren pouted knowing he was lying. "Bullshit. Accept it brat just let me help you." Eren let out an annoyed sigh and rolled his eyes. "Fine." On the outside he looked annoyed, but on the inside he felt happy thinking he has the greatest boyfriend ever.

They walked to Levi's class. Levi went to unlock the door but he saw that the door was already unlocked and slightly cracked. 'I remember locking it.' Levi thought before slowly pushing the door open. "LEVI, EREN, YOU'RE HERE!" Hanji squealed as they entered. "Are you trying to deafen us?" Levi bitterly said covering his ears. As Eren flinched at the loud noise. 'Shit did I just flinch again, I hope no one realized.' Eren thought. He has never been comfortable around people raising their voices, especially after all the times his father yells at him, because it usually follows with a beating. Levi put his hand on Eren's shoulder, as to say your safe. "Sorry Eren, I didn't mean to scare you." Hanji whispered with her head lowered. She had seen the flash of fear that appeared on Eren's face. She didn't know much about what happened at his house, but she did know one thing Eren was getting abused. She had studied the side affects of abuse victims and their reactions around certain things from her time as the school nurse, and Eren showed most if not all the signs. She looked up a tad to look at Eren and that was when she noticed something familiar just under his sleeves, it was bandages, the type Levi used to use when he got really bad. Hanji had walked up to him and was about to lift up his sleeves when Levi grabbed her arm. "Don't." Levi whispered. Hanji nodded and Levi let go of her arm. She gave Eren a quick hug and dropped the subject with no questions asked, she knew if it was really important Levi would tell her later.

"Anyways, what are you doing here school is going to start in a few minutes." "I'm staying in here again." Hanji said smiling devilishly. "Uh, is it going to be like this until the end of the school year?" "I hope so." Hanji smiled brightly. Levi sighed and looked at Eren. "Can today be over already." Levi said before going and setting his stuff down. Eren laughed and took his seat. " We just have to make it through the day." Eren laughed. Levi smiled. "It's going to be harder to do that than I thought." Levi said before opening the door for the student so they could come in when they got there. 

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