How to Save a Life

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Author's note~ So I will tell you when to click play for the song...


Eren slowly and dreadfully walked up to his room. He had already made sure Mikasa was safe in her room. As he walked he recalled the conversation that he and Levi had when he first told him what was going on. 'Why can't I just take you and Mikasa away from there now.' 'Because if you do they will tell my dad and the police.' 'What is your dad going to do, and it's not like the police will do anything.' 'You're wrong, one of my dad's friends works for the police. They would track us down. Please just trust me on this.' 'Fine, but I don't like this I should be kicking their asses.' The flashback ended as Eren put his hand on the door knob. He prepared for the horrors ahead. He opened his door to see the men sitting there grinning ear to ear. "You interrupted our fun." Said one of the men standing up. They took off their belts and used them to tie Eren's hands, feet and gag him. "You need to be punished." One of the men said walking over to Eren.

The man went to slap Eren across the face but stopped in his tracks when Eren flinched and turned his head away. He saw the mark on the boy neck, it was the bite mark that Levi had made earlier. "What's this." "It looks like a bite mark." "Who else has been playing with our toy." "This kid is our property." "Do you understand kid, you're ours, we own you." "If we ever find the person that did this to our property we'll kill them." "Well first I would do them, who knows if they're a good fuck then maybe we could keep them as another toy." " Why don't we get our point across."

The men had tortured Eren leaving him bruised and bloody. "See you tomorrow, pet." "Just remember you're ours." "Soon we'll own that friend of yours." The three men smirking and leaving. Eren pulled his knees into his chest and sat their crying. 'What if I can't protect Levi.'

Mikasa knocked on Eren's door. Eren tried to push back the tears and be strong for Mikasa."Come in." Mikasa ran through the door and started crying at the sight of her older brother. He was shirtless she just assumed he was still naked under the covers. He looked to damaged to move. He was covered in bruises and bleeding on different parts of his body. She walked over to his closet and grabbed him some pajama pants and underwear. He smiled weakly. She turned away as he slid on the pants and boxers. "Thank you." Mikasa turned back around and threw her arms around her older brother. "I'm so sorry it's all my fault, I shouldn't have called you." "Hey, it's okay Mikasa. I would rather them hurt me instead of you."

Press Play  

After about thirty minutes of her clinging to him he sent her to bed. "Night Eren." "Bye Mikasa." Eren said sweetly. "It's funny, you almost managed to change my mind."Eren sighed sadly thinking about what he was going to do next. He grabbed his phone. 'I have to talk to Levi.'

'It's been hours and Eren hasn't called. He promised he would call after.' Levi thought pacing. He had been staring at his phone for the past two hours. His stomach twisted and turned. He felt sick just thinking about them laying a finger on his boyfriend. Levi's phone began to ring and not a second later he had already answered. "Eren!" Levi said panicked "I'm here." Eren said weakly. "Are you okay?" "No." Eren said sounding like he was about to cry. "Eren what ha-." "Levi listen. I only called to say I love you and I'm sorry, goodbye." "EREN WA-!" Eren hung up the phone. "Shit!" Levi said running out the door.

Levi was rushing to Eren's house. He had to save him. Levi knew what that goodbye meant, and he couldn't lose another person that he loves. He started the car. The radio popped on as the car started. The song on the radio just so happened to be How to Save a Life by The Fray. "Of fucking course." Levi said hearing the song. His eyes started to water as he thought. 'What happens if i'm to late?' Levi's vision of him and Eren's future was slipping away. ' I won't be able to see him ever again. I'll never hear him criticize my taste in music. I'll never be able to hear him tease me and laugh when I roll my eyes. I'll never be able to sing with him in the car. I'll never be able to take him on a real date. I'll never be able to wake up next to him in the morning with his hair in my face and head on my chest. I won't ever be able to hold him when he's upset. I won't be able to teach him how to cook. I'll never be able to bake with him. I won't ever be able to kiss him and tell him I love him ever again. I won't ever be able to stand across from him at the altar and say I do. I won't be able to grow old and spend my life with him.' Levi started to panic even more at the thought of losing the love of his life. He began to speed up. "No, I won't lose another person I love." Levi said stepping on the gas. 'I have to make it, I just have to.'

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