Nap Time

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They got out of the shower. Eren grabbed his phone and texted has sister. "Hey Mikasa I'll be there to pick you up around ten thirty. Heads up the person I'm coming with ... just please don't question it". Eren looked over the text before clicking send. " So what time are we leaving"? "We have to get her by ten thirty". "Okay so we will leave by ten fifteen. Sound good"? "Yeah. Thank you Levi, sorry for-". "Quit apologizing brat". "Right sorry". Levi rolled his eyes. Eren mentally face palmed.

" We still have some time to kill what do you want to do". "I'll do whatever you want to do". Eren said yawning. "You seem exhausted, and I'm pretty tired myself. Come one why don't we go take a nap. Eren was to tired to protest so he just nodded. "Alright then we should probably go to a bed it's much more comfortable then a couch". "Okay". "Shit, all the bedrooms are upstairs". Levi thought a minute then smirked at Eren. "I guess I'll just have to carry you". Eren went to protest but all that came out of his mouth was another yawn. Levi chuckled and picked Eren up bridal style and carried him up the stairs. Eren blushed the whole way up. He was embarrassed by the special treatment.

Levi layer Eren down on his bed. Levi joined Eren and threw the covers over them. He pulled Eren close. Eren snuggled into his chest. " Are you feeling alright, did I hurt you "? "Levi I'm fine. To be completely honest I never knew sex could be as gentle as it was with you". "Really"? "Yeah". Eren said yawning. "We should get some sleep before we have to leave in two hours". Eren nodded and started drifting off to sleep. Levi soon followed.

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