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A few hours had passed and Levi had kicked Eren's ass at pretty much every game he owned. They had also managed to get to episode 31 in death note. Levi got pissed off at episode 25 and almost refused to finish the rest of the anime but Eren had convinced him to keep going. After the episode ended they clicked out of Netflix. They checked the time and Eren's happy smile disappeared. It was already nine o'clock. "Eren." Levi asked with a concerned tone as he watched his lover shift nervously.

"I'm fine Levi, I just have to remember the plan." Eren said closing his eyes and taking a deep breath clearing his mind from any concerns that he had. When he opened his eyes he felt Levi had scooted closer to him on the couch. Eren's eyes made contact with Levi's and he couldn't hold back any longer. He brought his hands up to his face as tears started to drip from his eyes. "I'm sorry Levi. I'm scared." Eren admitted as he felt Levi's arms wrap around him. "Don't apologize Eren it's okay." Levi said holding his lover as he sobbed into his chest as he was on the verge of a panic attack.

After fifteen minutes Levi managed to calm Eren down before the panic attack took over. Eren had closed his eyes and was sitting up against Levi's chest listening to his heartbeat. Levi's arms were around the boy holding him close to him with a firm grip. One of his hands was in his lover's hair playing with the strands of the messy hair. Levi was humming lightly to the tone of Eren's favorite song to calm him down.

They sat there catching their breath and cuddling for the rest of their time. Levi noticed as the clock struck nine thirty. He kept his mouth shut not wanting to let Eren go, but Eren had noticed the time change and sat up. Eren sighed and looked at Levi. "It's time to go." The boy said standing up and putting on his jacket. Levi sighed before getting up and grabbing the keys too the car.

"You sure?" Levi asked as he looked at Eren who was fidgeting and trembling. He already knew the answer but asked praying Eren would give him a different answer. Eren nodded and seemed to push away all of his emotion. Levi hated seeing Eren like that, but he knew Eren did that in order to protect himself. If he didn't push his emotions away during "those hard times" then he would probably end up getting hurt even more.

They walked out the door and made their way to the car. Eren stood by the passenger side door waiting as Levi locked the house and made his way to the car. Levi paused for a moment before walking over to Eren. He walked straight up to him and hugged him tightly. "I love you, you know that, right?" Levi asked with a shaky voice. "I know. I love you too Levi." Eren said matching Levi's shaky voice as he wrapped his arms around Levi.

They held each other for a few moment before Eren released his hold of his lover. Levi nodded and unlocked the car. Levi opened Eren's door and Eren got in. Levi walked around to his side and got in. Levi prayed that he never had to stop. That this car ride would never end. They both knew the plan and what they had to do, but they both had their doubts about the plan working. They both stayed quiet but held onto each others hand as tight as they could without hurting the other. They car ride felt like it was shorter than normal as they pulled up to Eren's house.   

Don't You Trust MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora