Awkward Timing

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Eren's phone began to ring. "Shit, that's Mikasa's ring tone". Eren panted. Eren went to silence the phone but Levi's thrusts caused his finger to slip. He realized he ended up answering the call. Eren and Levi both began to panic.

"Hello". Eren panted still out of breath. Levi was still inside Eren but he had stopped moving. Eren began to feel uncomfortable. "What's up". Eren said trying to sound natural but was failing miserably. "Are you okay, is something wrong". "No, I'm fine why". Eren started to fidget. Levi got the hint and started gently moving. "You sound like your out of breath". "No, I'm fine. Did you need something-ah". Eren said his moans starting to show. "You told me to call you if I ever needed anything". "Yes". "Well Annie car broke down we are at her house, and the tow truck isn't scheduled to come to come until about 9:30 and by the time they get it fixed it will be past ten. You know dad I'll get "in trouble"again". "I see-". "I can always walk home but I know you hate when I do that alone". "Yeah don't worry I'll come and get you some how. I'll text dad and let him know you were late because you were out with me. That should get you off the hook". "Wait won't you get in trouble though". "Don't worry I can handle it-." "But Eren-". "Mikasa I'll be there in a few hours don't worry. I have to go". Eren hung up the phone. Levi gave Eren a questioning look. "I'll tell you later" Eren panted.

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